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Done Solutions Corporation
Stock Exchange Release       February 28, 2006, at 9:00 a.m.

Financial Statements for 2005

- Consolidated net sales in 2005 came to EUR 11.5  million  (EUR  8.4  million  in
2004), up 36 percent year on year.

- Consolidated operating profit amounted to EUR  0.9  million  (loss  of  EUR  1.4
million), or 8 percent of net sales  (-16  percent).  All  segments  were  in  the

- Net profit for the period from continuing operations  totaled  EUR  0.8  million
(loss of EUR 1.5 million), or 7 percent of net  sales  (-18  percent),  that  from
discontinuing operations totaled EUR 1.5 million (EUR 0.9 million), or 13  percent
of net sales (11 percent). Net profit for the  period  from  both  continuing  and
discontinuing operations totaled EUR 2.3 million (loss of EUR 0.6 million), or  20
percent of net sales (-7 percent).

- In December, the Group bought a 57.1 percent holding  Tiolat  Oy,  whose  income
and expenses are not included in the financial statements. The  company's  balance
sheet was consolidated into Done's annual accounts on December 31, 2005.

- Earnings per share from continuing operations were EUR 0.016 (EUR -0.031)  while
those from discontinuing operations were EUR 0.029  (0.018).  Earnings  per  share
from both continuing and discontinuing operations were  EUR  0.046  (-EUR  0.012).
Equity ratio  stood  at  47.5  percent  (-4.8  percent).  Equity  ratio  including
subordinated loans stood at 57.1 percent (9.5 percent).

- Period-end liquid assets totaled EUR 3.7 million (EUR 1.6 million).

- Reported figures, including comparatives, are in accordance with IFRS.

- The Services (Done Information) and Systems (Done Logistics) segments will  show
moderate growth as before. The inclusion  of  the  Health  Care  segment  as  from
January 1, 2006 will increase consolidated net sales and profit from the  previous
year's levels. All  of  the  Group's  segments  are  projected  to  record  higher
operating results than a year ago.


On January 1, 2005, Done Solutions Corporation changed over to  the  International
Financial  Reporting  Standards  (IFRS).  The  financial  statements  and  interim
reports for 2004 were based on the Finnish Accounting Standards (FAS).  The  Stock
Exchange Release on April 26, 2004 provided information  on  transition  to  IFRS.
Figures for  2005  in  this  financial  report,  including  comparatives,  are  in
accordance with IFRS.

In the financial  statements  for  2005,  the  lease  agreement  for  the  Systems
segment's office premises, sold and leased back in December 2005, is treated as  a
finance lease. The related comparatives for 2004 were adjusted in these  financial
statements, as compared to a stock exchange release on the effects  of  transition
to IFRS published on April 26, 2005. In the opening IFRS balance sheet on  January
1, 2004, this adjustment increased property, plant and equipment (PPE) by EUR  0.5
million, reduced shareholders' equity by EUR 0.7 million and  increased  long-term
interest-bearing liabilities by EUR 1.0 million and  accounts  payable  and  other
payables by EUR 0.2 million. This adjustment also improves operating  results  for
2004 by EUR 0.1 million and pre-tax results by EUR 0.0  million.  In  the  balance
sheet on  December  31,  2004,  this  adjustment  increased  property,  plant  and
equipment (PPE) by EUR 0.5  million,  reduced  shareholders'  equity  by  EUR  0.6
million and increased long-term  liabilities  by  EUR  1.0  million  and  accounts
payable and other payables by  EUR  0.1  million.  The  adjustment  increases  the
balance sheet total on January 1, 2004 and December 31, 2004 by EUR 0.5 million.


Done  continued  successfully  to  develop  its   segments   and   improve   their
profitability throughout 2005: net sales and operating  profit  reported  by  both
Services (Done Information) and Systems (Done  Logistics)  were  at  good  levels,
while the latter segment showed a clear growth trend compared  with  the  previous
year's performance. In September  2005,  Done  decided  to  dispose  of  Logistics
(Providor Logistics). In November 2005, it decided to  make  use  of  its  greater
financial resources by re-focusing  its  strategy:  the  Group  will  develop  its
segments by seeking growth through corporate acquisitions aimed  at  strengthening
its current segments or  entering  new  segments.  December  2005  saw  the  first
acquisition in line with this new strategy.


Consolidated net sales from continuing  operations  for  2005  came  to  EUR  11.5
million (EUR 8.4 million), up 35.8 percent year on year. Operating profit came  to
EUR 0.9 million (loss of EUR 1.4 million), or 8.2  percent  of  net  sales  (-16.2
percent). Net profit from continuing operations was EUR 0.8 million (loss  of  EUR
1.5 million), or 7.1  percent  of  net  sales  (-18.0  percent)  while  that  from
discontinuing operations  came  to  EUR  1.5  million  (EUR  0.9  million).  Lower
provisions had no effect on net profit.

Earnings per share from continuing operations were EUR 0.016 (EUR -0.031).  Equity
per share was EUR 0.067  (EUR  -0.006).  Earnings  per  share  from  discontinuing
operations amounted to EUR 0.029 (EUR 0.018).

Services (Done Information), Systems (Done Logistics) and Health Care (Tiolat),  a
new segment, form the Group's primary, IFRS-compliant  segment  reporting  format.
The consolidated income statement includes neither income nor  expenses  from  the
Health Care segment due to  its  acquisition  in  late  December.  Net  sales  and
operating profit/loss by segment (MEUR):

                  Net sales     Net sales     Operating profit/loss
                     2005          2004           2005       2004
Services              4.7           4.7            0.4       -0.1
Systems               6.8           3.7            0.5       -1.3
Health Care           0.0           0.0            0.0        0.0
Total                11.5           8.4            0.9       -1.4

Consolidated net sales and operating profit/loss by quarter (MEUR):

MEUR                         Q1/2005 Q2/2005 Q3/2005 Q4/2005  Total
Net sales                      2.9     3.0     2.5     3.1    11.5
Operating profit/loss          0.1     0.2     0.3     0.3     0.9
Net profit/loss                0.1     0.2     0.2     0.3     0.8

MEUR                         Q1/2004 Q2/2004 Q3/2004 Q4/2004  Total
Net Sales                      2.4     1.9     1.9     2.2     8.4
Operating profit/loss         -0.2    -0.4    -0.4    -0.4    -1.4
Net profit/loss               -0.3    -0.4    -0.4    -0.4    -1.5


The period-end consolidated balance-sheet total amounted to EUR 10.8 million  (EUR
6.4 million on December 31, 2004). Shareholders' equity came to  EUR  4.0  million
(EUR  -0.3  million)  while  FAS-compliant  parent-company  shareholder's   equity
amounted to EUR 8.4 million (EUR 4.8 million). Group interest-bearing  liabilities
totaled EUR 2.1 million (EUR 2.3 million). Gearing stood at -33.4 percent  (-281.6
percent). At the period-end, equity ratio was  47.5  percent  (-4.8  percent)  and
equity ratio, including subordinated loans, was 57.1 percent (9.5 percent).

Liquid assets totaled EUR 3.7 million (EUR 1.6 million) at the end of the year.

The Group expects to show a positive cash flow from business operations  over  the
next twelve months. The company projects its liquid assets to suffice  during  the
next 12-month period.


In September 2005, Done Solutions Corporations' subsidiary, Providor Logistics  Oy
(Logistics), sold its distribution and warehousing services business to Hahka  Way
Oy for EUR 1.7 million. Providor Logistics Oy's income and expenses are  presented
under discontinuing operations.  In  December  2005,  Done  Solutions  Corporation
acquired all of the shares of Sunob Holding Oy which has a 57 percent  holding  in
the acquired company's subsidiary, Tiolat Oy. The payment of this acquisition  was
made in cash and by issuing 10 million new shares of the  company.  Based  on  the
market price on the date of the Extraordinary  General  Meeting,  the  acquisition
cost totaled EUR 2.5 million. Tiolat Oy's 12-month net sales and operating  profit
for 2005 totaled EUR 2.8 million and 1.5 million, respectively.

EUR 1.8 million of Tiolat Oy's (Health Care) acquisition  cost  was  allocated  to
the acquired company's intangible assets and EUR 0.1 million to  inventories.  The
intangible assets will be amortized on a straight-line basis over their  duration.
The remaining  goodwill  of  EUR  1.1  million  is  based  on  favorable  business
prospects resulting from expansion in new markets.  According  to  the  impairment
test under IFRS, the recoverable amount exceeds the value of goodwill.


Product development costs for 2005 came to EUR 0.1 million (EUR 0.1  million)  and
were expensed as incurred.


At the end of the year, the Group had a staff of 129 (166),  two  of  whom  worked
abroad (3). The number of employees averaged 135 (181).


Done Solutions Corporation's Board of  Directors  is  made  up  of  the  following
members: Jyri Merivirta (Chairman), Jaakko  Asanti,  Matti  Nevalainen  and  Pekka
Pystynen, President and CEO.

The Corporate Management Group comprises Pekka Pystynen, President and CEO;  Elina
Karjalainen, Managing Director,  Done  Information,  a  subsidiary;  Juha  Kujala,
General Counsel; Juha Mikkola, Managing Director, Done  Logistics,  a  subsidiary,
and Mika Söyring, CFO.

Deloitte & Touche Oy,  Authorized  Public  Accountants,  acted  as  the  company's
auditor, with Eero Lumme,  Authorized  Public  Accountant,  acting  as  the  chief
auditor and Jonathan Bäck, Authorized Public Accountant, as deputy auditor.


Done Solutions Corporation complies with the Helsinki Stock Exchange's  Guidelines
for Insiders effective as of January 1, 2006 and, to the  applicable  extent,  the
Recommendation on the Corporate Governance for Listed Companies  effective  as  of
July 1, 2004. The Company's Corporate Governance Statement  is  available  in  the
Investors section on the Company's website.


The AGM's decisions can be found in the company's stock exchange release of  March
31, 2005.


The EGM's decisions can be found  in  the  company's  stock  exchange  release  of
December 19, 2005.


In 2005, the Company increased its share capital  from  EUR  3,957,398.72  to  EUR
4,757,398.72, corresponding to 10,000,000 shares.

Date                   Increase (shares)     Private placement
Dec. 19, 2005          10,000,000            Gateway Finland Oy

The increase of share capital was registered in the  Trade  Register  on  December
23, 2005.

On December 31, 2005, Done Solutions had a share capital of EUR  4,757,398.72  and
the number of shares totaled 59,467,484.

The unexercised share-issue authorization given by the Annual General  Meeting  of
March 31, 2005 to the Board of Directors applied to 9,893,496 shares  on  December
31, 2005. As of the same date, the company held no treasury shares.

The reported share turnover of Done Solutions Corporation  in  2005  was  EUR  3.2
million, representing 20,583,610 shares and 41.6 percent of the  total  number  of
shares. The highest share quotation for 2005 was  EUR  0.25  and  the  lowest  EUR
0.08. The share averaged EUR 0.16 and closed at EUR 0.25  on  December  31,  2005.
The company's  market  capitalization  on  December  31,  2005  totaled  EUR  14.9
million. This figure includes 10,000,000 shares subscribed on December  19,  2005,
which are projected to become available for public trading in March 2006.


On December 31, 2005, the number of company shareholders  totaled  1,748  (1,956).
The fiscal year saw four flagging notifications related  to  shareholdings.  As  a
result of a corporate acquisition  carried  out  on  November  30,  2005,  Gateway
Finland Oy announced that  its  holding  would  exceed  three-twentieths  of  Done
Solution Corporation shares and votes, conditional on the approval  given  by  the
EGM of December 19,  2005  for  a  private  placement  related  to  the  corporate
acquisition. As a result of the private placement on December  19,  2005,  Gateway
Finland Oy's  holding  exceeded  three-twentieths  of  Done  Solution  Corporation
shares and votes, following the required registration in  the  Trade  Register  on
December 23, 2005. The holding of Conventum  Venture  Finance  Oy,  Pohjola  Group
plc's controlled corporation, decreased to below one  quarter  of  Done  Solutions
Corporation shares and votes, as a result of share transactions  on  December  19,
2005, and to below one-fifth on December 23, 2005, following  the  required  Trade
Register registration of the abovementioned private placement.

The  company's  largest   shareholders   are   listed   on   Done's   website   at (Investors / Financial Information / Largest shareholders).


On December 31, 2005, the Board of Directors and the President and CEO  held  25.5
percent of the company's shares, totaling 15,152,500 shares, and  0.0  percent  of
stock options. Moreover, on the same date, Gateway Finland Oy  held  19.3  percent
of company shares, totaling 11,500,000 shares. Matti Nevalainen, a  Board  member,
holds 50 per cent of Gateway Finland Oy shares.


Done Solutions  Corporation's  risks  are  associated  with  business  operations.
Managing and mitigating these risks is based on the  avoidance  of  uncontrollable
risks or those endangering ongoing business operations.  The  Board  of  Directors
approves  the  general  risk-management  guidelines,  and  the  Group's  financial
department and  business-area  management  are  responsible  for  their  practical
implementation.  Risk-management  responsibilities  are   divided   according   to
business and organization. The most significant risks exposed  by  the  Group  are
associated with financing  in  daily  business  operations,  such  as  credit  and
liquidity risks. The Group's risk-management  aims  to  minimize  the  detrimental
effects of these risks on profit performance.


Done   Solutions   Corporation's   operations   are   characterized   by   minimal
environmental impacts.


In addition to proceedings previously announced, Done  Solutions  Corporation  has
no major court cases pending.


The Services (Done Information) and Systems (Done Logistics)  segments  will  show
moderate growth as shown earlier. The inclusion of  the  Health  Care  segment  as
from January 1, 2006 will increase consolidated net  sales  and  profit  from  the
previous year's levels. All of  the  Group's  segments  are  projected  to  record
higher operating results than a year ago.


The Board of Directors will propose to the AGM of March 31, 2006 that  the  parent
company's profit of EUR 1,886,333.60 for 2005 be entered in  retained  profit/loss
and no dividend for the fiscal year be distributed.

Done Solutions Corporation
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:

Pekka Pystynen, President and CEO, tel. +358 (0)205 253427, GSM  +358  (0)50  0508

Mika  Söyring,  CFO,  tel.  +  358  (0)205  253425,  GSM   +358   40   777   0033,

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media

With its shares having been quoted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange's NM List  since
2001, Done Solutions is  organized  into  three  business  areas:  Services  (Done
Information)  provides  multilingual   documentation   services;   Systems   (Done
Logistics) provides comprehensive logistics systems, based on automated materials-
handling and supporting information systems; and  Health  Care  (Tiolat)  provides
iCare-tonometers for eye specialists and opticians. The Group's largest  customers
are based in the Nordic countries, Central Europe and the United States.

GROUP KEY FIGURES AND RATIOS (MEUR)          2005        2004

Net sales                                    11.5         8.4

Operating profit/loss                         0.9        -1.4
Operating margin, %                           8.2       -16.2

Pre-tax profit/loss                           0.8        -1.5
Pre-tax profit/loss, %                        7.1       -17.9

Net profit/loss for the period                0.8        -1.5
Net profit/loss for the period, %             7.1       -18.0

Gross capital expenditure                     3.0         0.6
Gross capital expenditure, % of net sales    25.8         6.9

R&D costs                                     0.1         0.1
R&D costs, %                                  0.4         0.9

Gearing, %                                  -33.4      -281.6
Equity ratio, %                              47.5        -4.8
Return on investment (ROI), %                21.6       -55.9
Return on equity (ROE), %                    34.3    -6,440.3

Earnings per share, continuing operations EUR 0.016      -0.031
Earnings per share, discontinuing oper. EUR   0.029       0.018
Equity per share, EUR                         0.067      -0.006
Dividend per share, EUR                       0.00        0.00
Payout ratio, %                               0.0         0.0
Effective dividend yield, %                   0.0         0.0
Price-earnings ratio                          neg.        neg.

Average no. of issue adjusted shares        49,796,251  49,467,484
Issue adjusted no. of shares at period-end  59,467,484  49,467,484

Average no. of employees                      135         181

Cash flow from business operations            1.0        -0.1
Cash flow from investments                    1.6         0.6
Cash flow from financing                     -0.4         0.0
Total cash flow                               2.2         0.5


NET SALES                                    11.5         8.4
Other operating income                        0.1         0.1
Materials and services                       -3.6        -2.2
Employee benefits                            -5.1        -5.5
Depreciation                                 -0.2        -0.3
Other operating expenses                     -1.7        -2.0
OPERATING PROGIT/LOSS                         0.9        -1.4
Share of associates' results                  0.0         0.0
Financial expenses (net)                     -0.1        -0.2
PRE-TAX PROFIT/LOSS                           0.8        -1.5
Income tax charge                            -0.0        -0.0
Minority interest                             0.0         0.0
NET PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD, cont. oper.   0.8        -1.5
Net profit/loss of discontinuing operations   1.5         0.9
NET PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD                2.3        -0.6

Earnings per share, continuing operations
undiluted EUR                                 0.016      -0.031
Earnings per share, continuing operations
diluted EUR                                   0.016      -0.031
Earnings per share, discontinuing operations
undiluted EUR                                 0.029       0.018
Earnings per share, discontinuing operations
diluted EUR                                   0.029       0.018


NET SALES                                     3.1         2.2
Other operating income                        0.0         0.0
Materials and services                       -0.9        -0.5
Employee benefits                            -1.5        -1.4
Depreciation                                 -0.0        -0.1
Other operating expenses                     -0.4        -0.6
OPERATING PROGIT/LOSS                         0.3        -0.4
Share of associates' results                  0.0         0.0
Financial expenses (net)                      0.0        -0.0
PRE-TAX PROFIT/LOSS                           0.3        -0.4
Income tax charge                            -0.0        -0.0
Minority interest                             0.0         0.0
NET PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD, cont. oper.   0.3        -0.4
Net profit/loss of discontinuing operations  -0.0         0.2
NET PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD                0.3        -0.3

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (MEUR)      Dec. 31, 2005   Dec. 31, 2004


Tangible assets                               0.5         0.9
Goodwill                                      1.2         0.1
Intangible assets                             1.8         0.0
Shares in associates                          0.4         0.3
Available-for-sale assets                     0.0         0.0
Receivables                                   0.5         0.7
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                      4.4         2.0

Inventories                                   0.3         0.1
Account and other receivables                 2.3         2.8
Cash and cash equivalents                     3.7         1.6
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                          6.4         4.4

TOTAL ASSETS                                 10.8         6.4


Share capital                                 4.8         4.0
Share premium                                 1.0         0.4
Contingency fund                              0.0         0.2
Fair value reserve                            0.3         0.0
Retained earnings/loss                       -2.0        -4.8
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                    4.0        -0.3
MINORITY INTEREST                             1.0         0.0

Deferred tax liabilities                      0.5         0.0
Provisions                                    0.7         0.7
Interest-bearing liabilities                  1.0         1.9
Other payables                                0.1         0.0
TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES                   2.3         2.6

Account and other payables                    2.3         3.2
Provisions                                    0.1         0.4
Interest-bearing liabilities                  1.0         0.5
TOTAL SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES                  3.5         4.1

TOTAL LIABILITIES                             5.7         6.7



                              Share    Share pre- Contin- Fair  Retained
                              capital  mium fund  gency   value earnings
                                                   fund  reserve

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 31.12.2003  7.4     0.4       0.2     0.0    -6.9
Transition to IFRS                                                -0.8
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1.1.2004    7.4     0.4       0.2     0.0    -7.7
Reduction of share capital      -3.5                               3.5
Net profit/loss for the period                                    -0.6
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 31.12.2004  4.0     0.4       0.2     0.0    -4.8

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1.1. 2005   4.0     0.4       0.2     0.0    -4.8
Private placement 19.12. 2005    0.8     0.9               0.3
Cover of adopted losses                 -0.3      -0.2             0.5
Net profit/loss for the period                                     2.3
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 31.12.2005  4.8     1.0       0.0     0.3    -2.0

The data in these financial statements for 2005 are based on unaudited figures.