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Done Solutions Corporation
Stock Exchange Release       April 28, 2006, at 9:00 a.m.

Interim Report Q1/2006 (IFRS)

- Consolidated net sales for Q1/2006 came to EUR 3.8 million (EUR 2.9  million  in
Q1/2005). Like-for-like net sales for Q1/2005 came to EUR 3.4 million.

- Consolidated operating profit amounted to EUR 0.41 million (EUR  0.14  million),
or 11 percent of net  sales  (5  percent).  Like-for-like  consolidated  operating
profit for Q1/2005 amounted to EUR 0.23 million, or 7 percent of  net  sales.  All
business segments were in the black.

- Net profit totaled EUR 0.41 million (EUR 0.15 million), or  11  percent  of  net
sales (5 percent). Like-for-like net profit for Q1/2005 totaled EUR 0.19  million,
or 6 percent of net sales.

- Earnings per share from continuing operations were EUR 0.007 (EUR 0.001).  Like-
for-like earnings per share  from  continuing  operations  for  Q1/2005  were  EUR

- At the period-end, equity ratio was 49.4 percent (-2.4 percent)  and  return  on
investment (ROI) 29.9 percent (59.5 percent).

- Period-end liquid assets totaled EUR 4.2 million (EUR 1.2 million).

- The Services (Done Information)  and  Systems  (Done  Logistics)  segments  will
continue to show moderate growth. The inclusion of  the  Health  Care  segment  as
from January 1, 2006 will increase consolidated net  sales  and  profit  from  the
previous year's levels. All of  the  Group's  segments  are  projected  to  record
higher operating results than a year ago.


Q1/2006 figures, including their comparatives, are in compliance  with  IFRS,  and
this Interim  Report  and  the  Annual  Report  2005  apply  the  same  accounting
policies. Data in this Interim Report are based on unaudited figures.

The comparatives are based on the official financial  statements.  Q1/2005  income
and expenses from Tiolat Oy, acquired on  December  19,  2005  and  with  a  Group
holding of 57.14 percent, are not included in comparative figures.  The  like-for-
like unaudited Q1/2005 figures stated above include Tiolat's income  and  expenses
under continuing operations in a situation where Tiolat Oy  was  acquired  January
1, 2005.

The SBU profit (Strategic Business Unit) stated  below  refers  to  IFRS-compliant
segment operating profit before parent company expenses. Business areas stated  in
this Interim Report stand for business segments under IFRS.


Net sales and SBU profit by business area (primary reporting segment):

                     Net sales   Net sales    SBU profit SBU profit
                      Q1/2006     Q1/2005      Q1/2006    Q1/2005
                     MEUR Share  MEUR Share   MEUR    %  MEUR    %

Services              1.3   35%   1.1   40%    0.2   15   0.1   13

Systems               1.7   46%   1.7   60%    0.2   14   0.1    8

Health Care           0.7   19%    -     -     0.1   21    -     -

Total                 3.8  100%   2.9  100%    0.6   16   0.3   10

Parent company expenses                       -0.2   -5  -0.2   -5

Operating profit                               0.4   11   0.1    5

The SBU profit by Health Care, the segment acquired  in  late  December  2005,  is
squeezed by EUR 0.13 in expenses for Q1/2006 allocated to inventories, which  will
not incur after March 31, 2006.

Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations were EUR 0.007  (EUR  0.001)
and undiluted earnings per share EUR 0.007 (EUR 0.001). Equity per share  was  EUR
0.075 (EUR -0.003). A decrease in provisions had no effect on net profit.


The period-end consolidated balance-sheet total amounted to EUR 11.3 million  (EUR
5.8 million on March 31, 2005). Shareholders' equity came to EUR 5.6 million  (EUR
-0.1 million) while FAS-compliant parent-company shareholder's equity amounted  to
EUR 7.6 million (EUR 4.7 million).  At  the  period-end,  equity  ratio  was  49.4
percent (-2.4 percent) and equity ratio, including subordinated  loans,  was  59.2
percent (12.8 percent). Gearing stood at  -37.5  percent  (268.3  percent).  Group
interest-bearing liabilities totaled EUR 2.1 million  (EUR  0.8  million).  Liquid
assets totaled EUR 4.2 million (EUR 1.2 million) at the end of March.

The Group expects to show a positive cash flow from business operations  over  the
next twelve months. The company projects its liquid assets to suffice  during  the
next 12-month period.


Product development costs for Q1/2006 came to EUR 0.1 million  (EUR  0.0  million)
and were expensed as incurred.


At the end of the period, the Group had a total staff of 130. Done  Logistics  had
a staff of 56, Done Information 65, Tiolat 6 and parent company  3.  A  year  ago,
the Group's staff numbered 143.


On March 31, 2006, Done Solutions had a share capital of EUR 4,795,398.72 and  the
number of shares totaled 59,942,484.

The  company's  largest   shareholders   are   listed   on   Done's   website   at (Investors / Financial Information / Largest shareholders).

The highest share quotation for the period was EUR 0.45 and the lowest  EUR  0.24.
The share averaged EUR 0.36 and  closed  at  EUR  0.35  on  March  31,  2006.  The
reported share turnover  of  Done  Solutions  Corporation  was  EUR  5.6  million,
representing 15.7 million shares. The company's  market  capitalization  on  March
31, 2006 totaled EUR 21.0 million.

The unexercised share-issue authorization given by the Annual General  Meeting  of
March 31, 2006 to the Board of Directors applied to  11,988,496  shares  on  March
31, 2006.

The Board of Directors is not authorized to buy back own shares, and  the  company
did not hold any treasury shares during the reporting period.

Based on stock options, the  period  saw  subscriptions  of  475,000  new  company
shares at a per-share subscription price of EUR 0.23, with  the  result  that  the
share  capital  increased  by  EUR  38,000.00,  from  EUR  4,757,398.72   to   EUR
4,795,398.72, i.e. from 59,467,484 shares to 59,942,484.

The stock option scheme is based on a decision made by the AGM on April 12,  2002.
As a result of the share subscriptions based on these stock  options,  the  number
of company shares may increase by a maximum of  1,484,028  shares  and  the  share
capital by a maximum of EUR 118,721.92. The  subscription  period  for  all  stock
options will expire on April 30, 2006.


The AGM's decisions can be found in the company's stock exchange release of  March
31, 2006.


Done Solutions Corporation reached a settlement  with  the  bankruptcy  estate  of
Done Logistics AB, a subsidiary of Done Solutions Corporation in Sweden, on  April
7, 2006. The bankruptcy estate demanded a payment of a  maximum  amount  of  about
EUR 3.2 million from Done Solutions  Corporation.  According  to  the  settlement,
Done Solutions Corporation made a one-time payment  of  EUR  0.2  million  to  the
bankruptcy estate. The settlement has no effect on results  since,  in  connection
with  Done  Logistics  AG's  bankruptcy,  Done  Solutions  Corporation  entered  a
provision for any bankruptcy expenses that may incur.

As a part of the settlement, Done Solutions Corporation represents the  bankruptcy
estate of Done Logistics AB in the dispute between the estate and  Arla  Foods  AB
over a supply agreement. Arla Foods AB's claim lodged against Done Logistics  AB's
bankruptcy estate comes to around EUR 1.0 million and  the  claim  filed  by  Done
Logistics AB's bankruptcy estate against Arla Foods AB  totals  approximately  EUR
0.6 million. Done Solutions Corporation agreed in 2001 to grant a  reguarantee  to
Done Logistics AB for the performance guarantee granted by  SEB  and  Construction
Dexion AB, related to the supply agreement in question. Following the  payment  of
EUR 0.2 million, the remaining provision stated above totals EUR 0.6 million.


The Services  (Done  Information)  and  Systems  (Done  Logistics)  segments  will
continue to show moderate growth. The inclusion of  the  Health  Care  segment  as
from January 1, 2006 will increase consolidated net  sales  and  profit  from  the
previous year's levels. All of  the  Group's  segments  are  projected  to  record
higher operating results than a year ago.

Done Solutions Corporation
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:

Pekka Pystynen, President and CEO, tel. +358 (0)205 253427, GSM  +358  (0)50  0508

Mika  Söyring,  CFO,  tel.  +  358  (0)205  253425,  GSM   +358   40   777   0033,

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media

With its shares having been quoted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange's NM List  since
2001, Done Solutions is  organized  into  three  business  areas:  Services  (Done
Information)  provides  multilingual   documentation   services;   Systems   (Done
Logistics) provides comprehensive logistics systems, based on automated materials-
handling and supporting information systems; and  Health  Care  (Tiolat)  provides
iCare-tonometers for eye specialists and opticians. The Group's largest  customers
are based in the Nordic countries, Central Europe and the United States.

GROUP KEY FIGURES AND RATIOS (MEUR)     Q1/2006     Q1/2005   Q1-Q4/2005

Net sales                                 3.8         2.9        11.5

Operating profit                          0.4         0.1         0.9
Operating margin %                       10.9         4.8         8.2

Pre-tax profit                            0.5         0.1         0.8
Pre-tax profit, %                        13.2         2.6         7.1

Net profit                                0.4         0.1         0.8
Net profit,%                             11.0         5.2         7.1

Gross capital expenditure                 0.0         0.0         3.0
Gross capital expenditure, % of net sales 0.9         0.5        25.8

R&D costs                                 0.1         0.0         0.1
R&D costs, %                              1.4         0.7         0.4

Gearing, %                              -37.5       268.3       -33.4
Equity ratio, %                          49.4        -2.4        47.5

Return on investment (ROI), %            29.9        59.5        21.6
Return on equity (ROE), %                34.7      -142.3        34.3

Undiluted earnings per share,
continuing operations EUR               0.007       0.001       0.016
Diluted earnings per share,
continuing operations EUR               0.007       0.001       0.016

Undiluted earnings per share,
discontinuing operations EUR            0.000       0.002       0.029
Diluted earnings per share,
discontinuing operations EUR            0.000       0.002       0.029

Equity per share, EUR                   0.075      -0.003       0.067

Average number of employees               130         145         135

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (MEUR)   Q1/2006     Q1/2005   Q1-Q4/2005

NET SALES                                3.8         2.9        11.5
Other operating income                   0.0         0.0         0.1
Materials and services                  -1.1        -1.0        -3.6
Employee benefits                       -1.6        -1.2        -5.1
Depreciation                            -0.1        -0.1        -0.2
Other operating expenses                -0.6        -0.4        -1.7
OPERATING PROFIT                         0.4         0.1         0.9
Share of associates' results             0.0        -0.0         0.0
Financial expenses (net)                 0.0        -0.1        -0.1
PRE-TAX PROFIT                           0.5         0.1         0.8
Income tax charge                       -0.0        -0.0        -0.0
Minority interest                       -0.0         0.0         0.0
NET PROFIT, continuing operations        0.4         0.1         0.8
Net profit, discontinuing operations     0.0         0.1         1.5
NET PROFIT                               0.4         0.1         2.3

Undiluted earnings per share,
continuing operations EUR              0.007       0.001       0.016
Diluted earnings per share,
continuing operations EUR              0.007       0.001       0.016

Undiluted earnings per share,
discontinuing operations EUR           0.000       0.002       0.029
Diluted earnings per share,
discontinuing operations EUR           0.000       0.002       0.029

                               March 31, 2006  March 31, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005

Property, plant and equipment            0.5         0.8         0.5
Goodwill                                 1.2         0.1         1.2
Intangible assets                        1.7         0.0         1.8
Holdings in associates                   0.4         0.3         0.4
Available-for-sale investments           0.0         0.0         0.0
Receivables                              0.4         0.6         0.5
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                 4.3         1.9         4.4

Inventories                              0.1         0.1         0.3
Account and other receivables            2.7         2.6         2.3
Cash and cash equivalents                4.2         1.2         3.7
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                     7.1         3.9         6.4

TOTAL ASSETS                            11.3         5.8        10.8


Share capital                            4.8         4.0         4.8
Share premium                            1.0         0.4         1.0
Contingency reserve                      0.0         0.2         0.0
Fair value reserve                       0.3         0.0         0.3
Retained earnings/loss                  -1.7        -4.7        -2.0
TOTAL EQUITY, attributable to
parent company shareholders              4.5        -0.1         4.0
MINORITY INTEREST                        1.1         0.0         1.0
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY               5.6        -0.1         5.0

Deferred tax liabilities                 0.4         0.0         0.5
Provisions                               0.8         0.9         0.7
Interest-bearing liabilities             1.1         0.8         1.0
Other payables                           0.0         1.0         0.1
TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES              2.3         2.8         2.3

Account and other payables               2.4         3.2         2.3
Provisions                               0.0         0.0         0.1
Interest-bearing liabilities             1.1         0.0         1.0
TOTAL SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES             3.5         3.2         3.5

TOTAL LIABILITIES                        5.8         6.0         5.7

TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES            11.3         5.8        10.8


                          Share   Share    Other   Retained Minority Total
                          capital premium reserves earnings  inter.  equity
Equity Jan. 1, 2005        4.0      0.4      0.2    -4.8      0.0    -0.3
Equity March 31, 2005      4.0      0.4      0.2    -4.7      0.0    -0.1
Private placement          0.8      0.9      0.3     0.0      0.0     2.0
Loss covering              0.0     -0.3     -0.2     0.5      0.0     0.0
Net profit                 0.0      0.0      0.0     2.3      0.0     2.3
Equity Dec. 31, 2005       4.8      1.0      0.3    -2.0      1.0     5.0

Equity Jan. 1, 2006        4.8      1.0      0.3    -2.0      1.0     5.0
Share subscriptions based
on stock options           0.0      0.1      0.0     0.0      0.0     0.1
Net profit                 0.0      0.0      0.0     0.4      0.0     0.4
Equity March 31, 2006      4.8      1.0      0.3    -1.7      1.1     5.6


Net profit                               0.4          0.1         0.8
Adjustments to net profit                0.2          0.1         0.4
Change in working capital               -0.2         -0.2        -0.1
Interest paid                           -0.0         -0.0        -0.1
Interest received                        0.0          0.0         0.0
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES      0.4          0.1         1.0

Acquisition of subsidiary                0.0          0.0         0.3
Disposal of operations                   0.0          0.0         1.3
Purchase of PPE and intangible assets   -0.0         -0.0        -0.0
Purchase of other investments            0.0          0.0         0.0
NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES   -0.0         -0.0         1.6

Rights issue                             0.1          0.0         0.0
Repayments of long-term borrowings       0.0         -0.4        -0.4
Finance lease principal payments        -0.0         -0.0        -0.1
NET CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES    0.1         -0.4        -0.4

Net change in cash and equivalents       0.5         -0.4         2.2
Cash and equivalents, Jan.1              3.7          1.6         1.6
Cash and equivalents, March 31           4.2          1.2         3.7


Mortgages given                          0.3          0.3         0.3
Pledges given                            2.9          3.3         3.0
Securities given                         1.0          1.0         0.7

Finance lease liabilities                0.1          0.1         0.1
Operating lease liabilities              0.2          0.3         0.2