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Done Solutions Corporation
Stock Exchange Release, March 10, 2006, at 1:00 pm


Done Solutions Corporation's  shareholders  are  hereby  summoned  to  the  Annual
General Meeting to be held at Markkinointi-instituutti, Töölöntullinkatu  6,  FIN-
00250 Helsinki, starting at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, March 31,  2005.  The  reception
of those registered for the meeting will begin at 9.30 a.m.

Items on the Agenda:

1. Issues to be dealt with by the Annual General Meeting, under Article 12 of  the
Articles of Association.

2. The Board of Directors' proposes to the Annual  General  Meeting  to  authorize
the Board of Directors to decide, withdrawing the previous  unused  authorization,
within one year following  the  AGM,  to  issue  convertible  bonds  and/or  stock
options, and increase share capital through one or more issues in such a way  that
the votes entitled by shares to be issued correspond to a maximum of one-fifth  of
the votes of the shares registered with the Trade Register  on  the  date  of  the
AGM's decision on Board authorization and on the date of the Board's  decision  of
the increase and that the total share capital increase accounts for a  maximum  of
one-fifth of the share capital registered with the Trade Register on the  date  of
the AGM's decision on Board authorization and on the date of the Board's  decision
of the increase.

By virtue of the authorization, the Board of Directors has the  right  to  deviate
from the shareholders' pre-emptive right to subscribe for new shares,  convertible
bonds or stock options, and decide on the subscription price, which  must  not  be
less than a share's counter book value,  and  other  subscription  terms  and  the
terms governing convertible bonds and stock options. It  is  possible  to  deviate
from the pre-emptive right, provided that the Company has a cogent reason for  the
departure from the said  right,  such  as  financing  corporate  acquisitions  and
development  projects  necessary  for  the   Company's   business,   strengthening
financial structure, enabling business cooperation  in  various  forms,  expanding
shareholder base, incentivizing  personnel  or  other  business  development.  The
Board of Directors must not deviate from the pre-emptive right in favor of  anyone
belonging to the Company's immediate circle. Whenever the  Company  increases  its
share capital through a rights issue, the Board of  Directors  has  the  right  to
decide that shares be subscribed against contribution in kind or  by  other  means
on certain conditions or by exercising the right of setoff.

Display of Documents

The financial  statements  and  the  Board's  proposal  discussed  in  Item  2  is
available  for  shareholders'   inspection   at   the   corporate   head   office,
Tukholmankatu 2, FIN-00250 Helsinki, as from Friday March 24,  2006.  The  Company
will send copies of the documents to shareholders upon request. The Annual  Report
to be published, and available at, in week 13, will be  sent
to shareholders upon request.

Attending the AGM

Shareholders who have been registered with  the  Company's  shareholder  register,
maintained by the Central Securities Depository Ltd., by Tuesday March  21,  2006,
and who have registered for the Annual General Meeting by Monday, March  27,  2006
as stated below, are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting.

Registration for the AGM

A shareholder who is entitled to attend the Annual General  Meeting  as  specified
above and wishes to exercise his/her voting right at  the  meeting  must  register
for the meeting by 4 p.m., Monday, March 27, 2006, by  either  mail  addressed  to
Done Solutions Corporation, Pia Kopponen, Tukholmankatu 2, FIN-00250 Helsinki,  or
by fax   +358  20  525  3303,  or  by  e-mail  to
Letters, faxes and e-mail messages must reach the Company by the  deadline  stated
above. Any proxies, which entitle their  holders  to  exercise  the  shareholders'
voting right at the AGM, must be submitted  to  the  Company  prior  to  the  said

Payment of Dividend

The Board of Directors has decided to propose to the Annual General  Meeting  that
no dividend shall be paid for 2005.

Helsinki, March 10, 2006

Done Solutions Corporation
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:

Pekka Pystynen, President and CEO, tel. +358 (0)205 253427, gsm  +358  (0)50  0508

Helsinki Exchanges
Major media

With its shares having been quoted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange's NM List  since
2001, Done Solutions is  organized  into  three  business  areas:  Services  (Done
Information)  provides  multilingual   documentation   services;   Systems   (Done
Logistics) provides comprehensive logistics systems, based on automated materials-
handling and supporting information systems; and  Health  Care  (Tiolat)  provides
iCare-tonometers for eye specialists and opticians. The Group's largest  customers
are based in the Nordic countries, Central Europe and the United States.