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Done Solutions Corporation
Stock Exchange Release            December 2, 2005, at 12:20 p.m.


Done Solutions Corporation's shareholders are hereby summoned to an  Extraordinary
General Meeting to be held at Taitotalo Congress  Centre  Valimotie  8,  FIN-00380
Helsinki, starting at 10.00 a.m. on Monday, December 19, 2005.  The  reception  of
those registered for the meeting will begin at 9.00 a.m.

Items on the Agenda:

1. The Board's proposal for increasing share capital through private placement  of

The Board of Directors proposes that the company's share capital be  increased  by
EUR 800,000 through a private placement of shares by issuing  10,000  new  shares.
The nominal value of shares is EUR 0.08 per share.

The private placement of shares is related to the agreement for  purchasing  Sunob
Holding Oy shares, signed by Done Solutions Corporation's Board  of  Directors  on
November 30, 2005, according to  which  new  shares,  waiving  shareholders'  pre-
emption rights, will be issued, as agreed  in  the  aforementioned  agreement,  as
payment to  Sunob  Holding  Oy's  current  shareholder,  Gateway  Finland  Oy.  In
addition to Sunob Holding Oy shares, Gateway Finland Oy will, in payment of  share
subscription, transfer EUR 25,736.62 in loan receivable and  EUR  1,217,599.10  in
subordinated loan receivable from Sunob Holding Oy.

Gateway Finland Oy's share capital is co-owned  by  Matti  Nevalainen,  member  of
Done Solutions Corporation's Board, and Petri Kanervo,  a  private  person,  on  a
fifty-fifty basis. Completion of the  acquisition  of  Sunob  Holding  Oy's  share
capital is subject to the EGM's approval of the private placement.

The resulting share subscription price is EUR 0.17  per  share,  corresponding  to
the trade-weighted average of Done Solutions  Corporation  shares  quoted  on  the
Helsinki Stock Exchange between October 1  and  31,  2005.  EUR  0.08  per  share,
corresponding to the nominal value of shares, will be entered of the  subscription
price in share capital.  The  amount  of  the  subscription  price  exceeding  the
nominal value of shares will be entered in  the  issue  premium  fund.  The  share
subscripton period will begin on December 19, 2005 and terminate on  December  20,

The new shares entitle their holders to a  full  dividend  as  of  the  accounting
period beginning on January 1, 2006.

2. The Board's Proposal for covering the losses

The Board of Directors proposes that the registered losses of EUR 493,486.34  will
be covered by reducing contingency fund with  EUR  192,260.50  and  issue  premium
fund with EUR 301.225,84 eur.

Display of Documents and the Board's Proposal

Documents  specified  in  the  Finnish  Companies  Act,  and  the  Board  proposal
discussed above, will be available for shareholders' inspection at  the  corporate
head office, Tukholmankatu 2, Helsinki, as from  Monday  December  12,  2005.  The
Company will send copies of the documents to shareholders upon request.

Attending the EGM

Shareholders registered with the Company's  shareholder  register,  maintained  by
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd., by Friday December 9,  2005,  and  who
will have registered for the EGM with the company by Monday, December 12, 2005  at
4.00 p.m. are entitled  to  attend  the  meeting.  Holders  of  nominee-registered
shares intending to attend the EGM and exercising their voting rights must  inform
their asset managers in accordance with special instructions issued by them.

Registration for the EGM

A shareholder who is entitled to attend the EGM as specified above and  wishes  to
exercise his/her voting right at the meeting must register for the  meeting  by  4
p.m., Monday, December 12, 2005,  by  either  mail  addressed  to  Done  Solutions
Corporation, Pia Kopponen, Tukholmankatu 2, FI-00250 Helsinki, or by fax  +358  20
525 3303, or by e-mail to Letters,  faxes  and  e-
mail messages must reach the Company by the deadline stated  above.  Any  proxies,
which entitle holders to exercise the shareholders' voting right at the EGM,  must
be submitted to the Company prior to said deadline.

Helsinki, December, 1, 2005

Done Solutions Corporation
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:

Pekka Pystynen, President and CEO, tel. +358 (0)205 253427, gsm  +358  (0)50  0508

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media

With its shares having been quoted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange's NM List  since
2001, Done  Solutions  is  organized  into  two  business  units:  Done  Logistics
provides comprehensive logistics systems, based  on  automated  materials-handling
and  supporting  information  systems;  and  Done  Information,   which   provides
multilingual documentation services. The Group's largest customers  are  based  in
the Nordic countries, Central Europe and the United States.