The Rezidor Hotel Group utilizes part of repurchase authorization

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Following the authorization of the Annual General Meeting 2008 to repurchase shares to the extent that the company’s holding of its own shares following the acquisition at the most reaches one-tenth of all shares in the company, Rezidor’s Board of Directors has decided to use up to 5 MEUR to buy back the company’s own shares.

Acquisitions will be made on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (Stockholmsbörsen) at a price that falls within the registered share price range at the time.

Acquisitions can be made from July 25, 2008 until the Annual General Meeting 2009. However, no acquisitions will be made during the 30-day period prior to the public release of quarterly reports, including the date of release. The company releases the Q3 results on November 3, 2008.

Rezidor currently holds 1,970,200 of its own shares. The total number of Rezidor shares currently in issue is 150,002,040.