Rikshem’s credit rating A- confirmed by S&P Global

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The credit rating agency S&P Global confirms Rikshem’s credit rating A-/Stable/A-2 in its annual credit rating of the issuer. 

The credit rating agency S&P Global confirms Rikshem’s credit rating A-/Stable/A-2 in its annual credit rating of the issuer. In addition, Rikshem retains the highest credit grade on the Nordic rating scale, K-1.

"Rikshem has during the recent years actively strenghtened governance and lowered financial risk. S&P Global confirms in its credit report that this will support stable profitability. It is also positive that Rikshem, in S&P Global´s opinion, is considered to have robust economic fundamentals, low industry risk and a strong position within its niche in the real estate market”, says Sophia Mattsson-Linnala, CEO of Rikshem.

For further information, pls contact:

Christina Fernström, acting Group Treasurer, +46 (0)72-402 46 07, christina.fernstrom@rikshem.se

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