Acreo develops a secure communication platform for future smart homes and cities
Broadband networks are primary used for the commercial triple play services; Internet access, IP-telephony and IPTV. However, areas such as health care and safety, real estate services for energy saving and smart grid are all step by step turning into broadband based services connected to various terminals in the home. These services put new demands on the broadband network and communication. Most of these new requirements are linked to security in terms of robustness, availability, confidentiality and privacy, whereas the solutions shall function in an open multi-service and multi-operator environment.
Acreo has been granted VINNOVA financing for the project "Broadband Testbed for secure access of public services". The project aims at develop solutions for a secure access of public services, both for the infrastructure, i.e. property and home networks and the system environments and verify the solutions in a testbed environment.
"Focus is on e-health, ie homecare and social care, an extremely relevant area given the demographic changes we are facing. The area of e-health puts a broad and relevant span of requirements for security, and it also demands an easy to use interface for the end-user" says Örjan Mattsson, Senior advisor at Acreo and project manager "The challenge is to create secure solutions and still, from the user point of view, a simple environment for all the terminals and sensors that will be available in our future homes to enable the increased demand of homecare."
The uniqueness of the project is the overall vision and the integration aspect, creating an open and cost-effective system for a safe home environment, where services are governing the requirements of the underlying infrastructure.
Acreo is the project coordinator, a project that will include some 20 companies and public institutions. The project brings together a large number of actors and sectors that typically do not interact; one of the ideas behind the project to exploit this area and this type of cooperation.
A key part of the project is Acreo's testbed. The testbed is an excellent tool to verify solutions in a real environment involving the end-user. The project can also be seen as a continuation of the Acreo led EU project ALPHA, which generated results within future access and home networking.
The project will run until August 2013.
For more information contact:
Örjan Mattsson project manager:
orjan.mattsson(at) or phone 070-5932124
Press Contact:
Jenny Sperens, Marketing and Communication Manager
08-632 77 77, jenny.sperens(at)
Facts Acreo Broadband Technology
Acreo Netlab is active in the field of Broadband Technology; our activities span core networks through access networks to home networks. We address network design, optical transmission and IP protocols, we measure how networks are used and how network performance influence quality of experience of important services such as video and IPTV. We perform technical research and development; we drive standardization and policy issues as well as analyze business models.
Acreo researchers are world leading experts in their field. Their services are offered both in long-term research projects and short term consultancy projects to provide solutions to customers in the public sector and industry. The Acreo testbeds offers real life evaluation of network equipment and services with end-user involvement.
Facts Acreo National Testbed
Acreo National Testbed is a meeting place for a wide spectrum of regional, national and international institutions and companies working with research and commercialization of products and services for broadband networks. The testbed is an important part of Acreos innovation system that allows for verification of services and products in a real life environment with end-user interaction.
About Acreo
Acreo is one of Europe's top research companies providing breaking edge results within the field of electronics, optics and communication technologies. Turning academic research into commercial products, Acreo offers value-adding technology solutions for growth and competitiveness in industry and society. The types of assignments are ranging from feasibility studies, long term research projects, prototyping and small scale production, to verification and testing. Acreo also supports small and medium sized companies with technology transfer, business networks and financial advice. Acreo is part of Swedish ICT, and has about 145 employees located in Kista (headquarter), Norrköping and Hudiksvall, in Sweden.