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Acreo granted funding in new Celtic project for better control and management of IP networks

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Acreo has received VINNOVA funding for participation in the new Celtic project IPNQSIS. The project will continue the development from the Celtic gold award winning TRAMMS project. In the project, traffic monitoring systems will be developed in order to increase the control of IP networks and to ensure a high quality of experience.

In the IPNQSIS (pronounced IPNOSIS) project, Acreo will collaborate with researchers from 21 partner organizations from Sweden, Finland, Spain and France. The driving force behind the project is to increase the quality of experience (QoE) of the services delivered over the IP networks. Monitoring architectures will be developed, to enable monitoring of traffic, QoE and QoS and this will be an important part of the management and control system that will be developed in the project.

- We are glad to be given this opportunity to contribute to the IPNQSIS project, says Anders Berntson, head of the Acreo NETLAB department. Sweden has a strong position in the IP networking area, and we see this grant as recognition of our competence in the area.

The Swedish part of the project is funded by VINNOVA. The other Swedish partners are Ericsson AB, Alkit Communications, Procera Networks and Lund University.

The project builds upon core partners and core results from the Celtic TRAMMS project. TRAMMS was coordinated by Acreo, and it received the Celtic award of excellence in gold in April 2010. Its main achievements were the development of tools for traffic monitoring as well as its extensive data collection framework for collecting and analyzing traffic data.

Contact Acreo:
Andreas Aurelius,
Tel: +46 8-632 78 02, email: andreas.aurelius@acreo.se

A project abstract for IPNQSIS is found here:

More on the TRAMMS project here:

About Celtic
Celtic (Cooperation for a sustained European Leadership in Telecommunications) is a EUREKA cluster programme and the only European R&D programme in ICT fully dedicated to end-to-end telecommunication solutions. Celtic initiates and runs  privately and public funded ICT/ telecommunications R&D projects. It is supported by most of the major European players in communication technologies. Celtic projects are focusing at telecoms networks, applications, and services looking at a complete end-to-end system approach.
