Acreo to map the broadband situation in Sweden.
The information available today about the broadband situation in Sweden is rather poor, not only when it comes to what the deployment situation is, but also on what is actually meant by “broadband”. Much of that information is either provided by interested parties or too vague.
In order to give an accurate description of the current broadband situation in Sweden, Acreo has decided to conduct an independent analysis. The survey will be carried out in spring 2011 and it will focus on the deployment and availability of new broadband networks, mainly fibre-based, how these are developed in the country's different municipalities and housing companies. The survey will also analyse how competition looks like: freedom of choice both in terms of services and providers is not always clear, which is why an important part in the survey is to look at the existence of neutrality and transparency.
"Sweden's position in the broadband sector is well known in Europe. Unfortunately, information and development is fragmented, and partly based on contributions from interested parties. It is therefore very interesting to provide a clearer mapping of the broadband situation in Sweden," says Crister Mattsson, Senior Advisor at Acreo. "Acreo's analysis will be able to provide the picture when it comes to the actual broadband development in Sweden, and hence the solutions are needed to create growth for the society and economy."
The analysis is carried out within the framework of Acreo’s research on next-generation optical networks and is partly supported by the OASE project.
For further information contact:
Crister Mattsson: +46 (0) 70 092 77 92
crister.mattsson @
About OASE
The OASE Integrated Project examines Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) within a multi-disciplinary study to provide a self-consistent and coherent set of technological solutions. The project federates partners from all over Europe and is composed of major operators, industrial leaders in FTTH technologies, and European universities.
The OASE project and research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) in the ICT area, under grant agreement n° 249025.
About Acreo
Acreo is one of Europe's top research companies providing breaking edge results within the field of electronics, optics and communication technologies. Turning academic research into commercial products, Acreo offers value-adding technology solutions for growth and competitiveness in industry and society. The types of assignments are ranging from feasibility studies, long term research projects, prototyping and small scale production, to verification and testing. Acreo also supports small and medium sized companies with technology transfer, business networks and financial advice. Acreo is part of Swedish ICT and has about 140 employees located in Kista (headquarter), Norrköping and Hudiksvall.