Hämta programmet till Multicore Day i Kista 15e sept!

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Multicore Day in Kista is well established as the most important annual Swedish event within the multicore area. Multicore Day gathers Swedish and international experts from industry and academia to answer the question: How can we meet the challenge of exploiting multi- and manycore processors in servers, personal computers and embedded systems? What is new in the area, where are we heading?


9.00 Registration and coffee

9.30 Introduction by Karl-Filip Faxén, SICS

10.00 Keynote: Dr. Arch Robison, Intel: Composing Fork-Join and Vector Parallelism with Cilk Plus

11.00 Keynote: Prof. Charles E Leiserson, MIT: Cilk multithreaded-programming technology

12.00 Lunch (not included)

Short presentation session


    • Prof. Christoph Kessler, Linköping University: Skeleton programming for performance-portable many-core computing
    • Andreas Gustavsson, Mälardalen University: WCET Analysis of Parallel Systems
    • Prof. Magnus Jahre, NTNU Trondheim: Multi-core Memory System Resource Management


    • Prof. Per Stenström, Chalmers: Software Abstractions for Heterogeneous Multicore Systems
    • Mattin Addibpour, Ericsson: The M4M Challenges
    • Chris Croft-White, Tilera: Multicore to Manycore with Tilera TILE-Gx


    • Daniel Forsgren, ENEA: Runtime software for heterogeneous multicore
    • Prof. Mats Brorsson, KTH: QoS- and locality aware task scheduling: a report from the Encore project
    • Dr. Stefanos Kaxiras, Uppsala University: It's not the cores, it's the power!

14.30 Coffee

15.00 Keynote: Prof. Wen-mei W. Hwu, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign: Meeting the Multicore Parallel Programming Scalability Challenge

16.00 Panel discussion

17.00 The end

Multicore Day 2011 is organized by SICS and sponsored by TILERA and ENEA.


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