Multicore Day 2009 in Kista September 4

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Multicore processors are replacing single core processors in servers, personal computers and embedded systems alike. To leverage multicore, all software must be parallel. How can we meet this challenge? What are the current options? What happens internationally and in Sweden?

Multicore Day 2009 features leading international and Swedish experts from industry and academia, who will present the cutting edge of multicore computing technologies. We are proud to present Richard Kaufmann (HP), Steve Teixiera (Microsoft) and Anders Landin (Sun) as keynote speakers.

Multicore Day 2009 is an annual event gathering over 300 participants from Swedish and international academia and industry. Multicore Day is organized by SICS and the Swedish Multicore Initiative.

Time: September 4 2009, at 9.15-17.00
Place: Electrum, Isafjordsgatan 22, Kista, Sweden


09.15 Registration and coffee

09.45 Welcome, Mats Brorsson, the Swedish Multicore Initiative

10.00 Keynote 1: Hazim Shafi, architect of parallel performance and correctness tools in the Parallel Computing Platform team at Microsoft: "Parallel Programming with Visual Studio 2010"

11.00 Keynote 2: Richard Kaufmann, Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett-Packard: "Promises and Challenges in Systems of Multicores"

12.00 Lunch

Parallel tracks

Track 1: Multicore in industry
13.15 Per Holmberg, Ericsson: "Implementing Multicore in a Distributed System"

13.45 Patrik Nyblom, Ericsson: "Utilizing Multicore for a Highly Parallell Application"

14.15 Johan Olsson, National Instruments Sweden AB: "Graphical Multicore Programming Techniques for Industrial Applications"

Track 2: Programming multicore

13.15 Bo Kågström, Umeå University: "Algorithms and Library Software Targeting Multicore Architectures and Massive Parallelism"

13.45 Christoph Kessler, Linköping University: "Programming Techniques for the Cell Processor"

14.15 Björn Lisper, Mälardalen University: "Multicore and Hard Real-Time Systems"

Track 3: Theory, techniques and tools
13.15 Bengt Jonsson, Uppsala University: "Correctness, Efficiency, and Predictability of Multicore Programs"

13.45 Per Stenström, Chalmers: "A Methodology to Parallelize Code without Parallelization Obstacles"

14.15 Martin Karlsson, Sun: "Transactional Memory -- A Solution to the Multicore Challenge?"

14.45 Coffee break

15.15 Keynote 3: Anders Landin, Chief System Architect at Sun Microsystems: "Multicore and Beyond"

16.15 Panel discussion led by Erik Hagersten, professor Uppsala University: Richard Kaufmann, HP, Anders Landin, Sun, Hazim Shafi, Microsoft, Per Holmberg, Ericsson Mats Brorsson, Swedish Multicore Initiative

17.00 The end


Please register at

For more information please contact:

Karl-Filip Faxén, SICS
Tel: 08-63 16 10
