RISE becomes a partner in Treesearch

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RISE Research Institutes of Sweden becomes a partner in Treesearch, Sweden's so far largest investment in fundamental research and knowledge and competence building in the field of new materials and speciality chemicals from forest raw material.

The collaboration between academia, industry, private foundations and the government creates a world-leading, open research environment in the form of a national research platform, which contributes to the development of competences and knowledge that enables future innovations based on the forest. Through RISE's participation, the possibilities for scaling up and further developing the research results generated within Treesearch are now strengthened.

RISE is Sweden's research institute with 2,300 employees, of whom more than 300 people are directly involved in research, development and innovation linked to forest raw materials. RISE infrastructure extends from advanced X-ray equipment for material characterization to pilot and demonstration plants for scaling up manufacturing processes of bio-based materials and chemicals.

For many years there has been close cooperation between RISE and the academy. Researchers at RISE have, for example, been active in the Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC), funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, which will be the core of Treesearch's research activities. The involvement in Treesearch also strengthens the link between fundamental research and RISE’s industry-funded "The Bioeconomy Research Programme", which develops and demonstrates new technologies. The new partnership will also increase the cooperation areas within the strategic innovation programme BioInnovation.

“Treesearch is an important investment in building long-term skills and we are very pleased to be part of it. As an innovation partner for both business and society, we can help to transform knowledge and skills into new business opportunities,” says Pia Sandvik, CEO of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.

“We welcome RISE as a partner in Treesearch. Not least, the availability of RISE research infrastructures with associated expertise, advanced instruments and unique pilot facilities will support research, postgraduate education and our opportunities to contribute to innovation,” says Treasearch Manager, Daniel Söderberg.

