Risk Intelligence A/S signs an agreement for the Risk Intelligence System and Bespoke Reports with the International Chamber of Shipping
Risk Intelligence A/S (“Risk Intelligence” or "the Company") announces today that the company has signed an agreement with the International Chamber of Shipping (“ICS”) for the Risk Intelligence System (MaRisk+PortRisk) and bespoke reports.
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) represents the interests of shipowners at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Their membership includes 80% of the worlds merchant fleet, from whom they host working groups on all matters maritime, including security. From these working groups they develop and promote shipping industry best practice.
Jim Pascoe, Sales Director of Risk Intelligence says:
“The role ICS plays at the International Maritime Organisation is absolutely critical in ensuring that the voice of shipowners is heard. Part of this is making sure that the very best information is made available to their security working groups so that a unified message can be formulated from a shared understanding of the situation, wherever that situation may be. We are very proud to be working with ICS and grateful that we could formalise the relationship we have had with them. Whilst the System will assist in their global threat and risk awareness, the bespoke reports will ensure the security working group have the very latest intelligence and access to expert analysis.”
The Risk Intelligence System
The Risk Intelligence System is a digital security intelligence solution developed in close collaboration with global businesses that are established within the fields of shipping, offshore, oil and gas. The digital platform is designed on the basis of insights directly from customers and their needs as well as Risk Intelligence’s experienced security risk analysts and developers’ knowledge of intelligence and assessment needs.
The Risk Intelligence System offers customers a complete picture of immediate, short- and medium-term security risks for coastal areas, ocean, port and landside threats. The analysis is focused on insurgency, piracy, organised crime, activism, terrorism, military conflicts and any interplay between these. Risk Intelligence identifies where serious events arise and presents an assessment of how great the threat is in each area. This enables companies to evaluate both current and future security risks in real time to minimise risks across their operations.
Risk Intelligence clients currently operate more than 14.7% of the global merchant fleet.
Licences provide strong recurring revenue
The license agreement provides access to the Risk Intelligence System (MaRisk+PortRisk) through a subscription, paid for twelve months at a time in advance. Variables of the Risk Intelligence System license agreements are number of system users and standard reports included. The Risk Intelligence System license agreements create recurring revenue with a renewal rate of 98-99% (churn of 1-2%) and generates strong cash flow for the Company.
The parties have agreed not to disclose the value of the contract.
For more information on services and the System:
Please watch our corporate video: Knowing Risk
For more information on Risk Intelligence A/S, please contact:
Hans Tino Hansen, CEO
Jens Krøis, CFO
Jim Pascoe, Sales Director
Telephone: +45 7026 6230
E-mail: investor@riskintelligence.eu
Website and social media:
Website: www.riskintelligence.eu
Twitter: www.twitter.com/riskstaff
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/risk-intelligence
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riskstaff
Risk Intelligence A/S was founded in 2001 by Hans Tino Hansen. The company has evolved to become a prominent company in security risk management by delivering threat and risk assessments worldwide. Risk Intelligence operates and assists customers and partners from headquarters located north of Copenhagen, the office in Singapore as well as through representatives in Europe, Asia and North America. The business has been designed with international scalability in mind and the company is globally regarded as an expert in its field. Risk Intelligence provides the ‘Risk Intelligence System (MaRisk + PortRisk + LandRisk)’ which is a digital platform that allows clients to monitor global security risks and enables them to plan and implement missions in risk areas. Risk Intelligence is listed on the Spotlight Stock market [RISK].