K-Land steps in to clean up land

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PRESS RELEASE: 7 December 2011

RESIDENTS give their thumbs up to an important K-Land remedial works project at a former gas works site.

East Ayrshire Council and their environmental consultant SKM Enviros prioritised this site as being potentially high risk due to its history as a gasworks and current residential use. 

Their investigations confirmed the presence of significant contamination within back garden soils and risk assessments concluded contamination issues needed addressing in accordance with Part IIA of the Environment Protection Act 1990.

K-Land Solutions was appointed by East Ayrshire Council to carry out the environmental project in Stewarton, which included the excavation and removal of contaminated soil in the gardens of four residential properties.

K-Land Solutions, contaminated land and groundwater remediation specialists, won the work following a competitive tender process to ensure the gardens were suitably remediated of waste contaminants from the site’s past industrial use.

 Michelle Rodgers, contracts manager at K-Land Solutions said:

 “Former town gasworks can be significantly contaminated types of industrial sites. We won this project thanks to a wealth of experience handling projects of this nature. It was vital our proposals demonstrated minimal impact on the residents and surrounding environment and this was our priority.

“People were living at these properties as the remedial works were undertaken. This required careful organisation from our skilled scientists and management team.”

Chris Johnson at East Ayrshire Council said:

“We were impressed with the detailed design of the treatment and remediation strategy presented by K-Land Solutions. East Ayrshire Council is satisfied that the site has been properly remediated and no longer poses a significant possibility of significant harm to human health."

The project was completed within the one month programme.

The project entailed the physical excavation and removal of contaminated soil and former gasworks infrastructure from four domestic property gardens, installation of an anti-dig geomembrane barrier, backfilling and the reinstatement of the land to the original state, including reinstatement of fences, lawns, trees and plants. 

The project was carried out by K-Land to strict environmental standards. The contaminated waste was taken to licensed recycling and treatment facilities and certified soil was imported to backfill and reinstate in the gardens.

K-Land Solutions is a division of KDC the Manchester based company specialising in decommissioning, decontamination and remediation work.




PHOTO: From left to right, members of the K-Land team; Nicholas Gilmour, Michelle Rodgers and Christopher Sandground; East Ayrshire Council’s Chris Johnson and SKM Enviros’ Simon Waddell within the reinstated gardens of Bonnet Court.

For further information and photography please contact:

Heidi Boden    –         0161 927 3131


