Outsourcing verses in-house services

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Anthony Pearlgood, commercial director at PHS Datashred, discusses the pros and cons of using internal and external business services for facilities managers.

Commercial sense

In this current economic climate, organisations are looking to save money across the board. So, when it comes to choosing between outsourcing a service, or doing it yourself, the in house option is often seen as being the cheaper option.

Cheaper doesn’t always mean more cost effective however. In fact, outsourcing a service can in fact save you money, even in the short term. Document and data shredding is a prime example of where a business could save money by outsourcing to a specialist.

Data destruction

It’s estimated to cost around nine pounds per employee, per calendar month to shred documents in house using an office shredding machine. This might not seem like much on the surface, but for an office of 50 people, that’s a significant amount. Not only do you need to consider the cost of purchasing an office shredder, but also the time it takes to collect, handle and shred the material; valuable time that could be taken up by core activities.

Also, office shredders are known for getting jammed, overheating, and needing regular emptying. The paper soon mounts up, and still the shredded paper needs disposing of, again adding to the cost.

ID fraud

Finally there’s the risk of ID fraud. Storing data and documents on site presents a security risk, and without an adequate data protection policy, including the secure storage and recorded disposal, organisations are at risk of falling foul of the Data Protection Act. All types of businesses are subject to a fine of up to £500,000 for breaches of the Data Protection Act, which could not only damage your bank balance, but also your reputation.


The answer is to outsource your document and data shredding to an approved and accredited provider. Not only would you save time and money on your paper disposal, you would also be sure that your data is handled by security checked staff, and a Certificate of Destruction is provided. You will receive a regular, reliable service, enabling you to concentrate on the job at hand, leaving your data destruction to the experts.



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