The hidden link between poor diet and hair loss

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Experts are warning women of the link between poor diet and hair loss after high profile celebrities revealed their eating habits led to thinning hair.

Lady Ga Ga has announced she experienced hair loss in her teenage years whilst she suffered from bulimia. Model Imogen Thomas has also revealed she had alopecia and thinning hair caused by stress about her body image, both when she was younger and during her relationship with Ryan Giggs.

Recently, Nigella Lawson was spotted with noticeable bald patches following her dramatic weight loss over the past few months.

Lucas Sojka, managing director of hair loss clinic, Hair Solved, is an expert in female hair loss and is warning women not to underestimate the effect of their diet on their hair health.

Lucas said: “You can never 100 per cent pin point the cause of hair loss, but over the years I have helped many women who felt their hair loss was linked to their diet and poor food choices.

“Nutritional deficiencies can contribute to hair loss because hair shafts can weaken, dry up and break easily. Vitamin A, for example, is vital to helping the growth and health of cells and tissues throughout the body, including the hair and scalp, so prolonged vitamin A deficiency can lead to hair loss and lack of re-growth.

“Eating disorders have a very damaging impact on your body and many sufferers don’t realise they can cause hair problems as well. Many bulimia sufferers become dehydrated and the lack of water causes hair to become dry and fall out. The high levels of acid from constant vomiting also makes healthy hair hard to maintain.

“If you’re body isn’t getting enough energy from food it can lead to poor circulation of blood to the scalp. Hair then starts to shed when it isn’t getting enough oxygen through proper blood flow.

“Females suffering from eating disorders are dealing with real self-confidence problems and hair loss on top of this is devastating and can create a vicious cycle of stress and further hair loss.

“Hair loss can affect every area of a woman’s life; many feel it holds them back in their career, their social life and their personal life. I’ve even spoken to some women who felt they lost their femininity because of hair loss.”

Hair Solved has developed The Enhancer, a non-surgical hair integration system for females who have lost their hair. The Enhancer gives hair loss sufferers a full head of real hair which, unlike a wig, won’t slip out of place and can be styled, cut and coloured.

Lucas adds: “If you are suffering from an eating disorder then it’s important to get help and support from a doctor first and foremost. However, it is comforting for women to know there are natural hair replacement systems to give them the confidence to recover from alopecia.”

Hair Solved has studios across the UK in London, Manchester, Glasgow and Belfast. For more information log onto:


For more information or for media case studies, contact Lucy Oates at RMS.

Telephone: 0161 927 3131


Background on Hair Solved

Hair Solved has developed one of today’s most innovative solutions for female hair loss, one which can change your life forever. 

If you suffer from any form of hair loss – alopecia, genetic thinning, trichotillomania (hair pulling), even hair loss caused by chemotherapy or an accident – Hair Solved can help you.

Our unique and advanced technique of non-surgical hair integration can be used with any existing length of hair. Hair Solved can transform the appearance of even the most severe condition to help you regain your confidence and enjoy a new lease of life.

Hair Solved have studios throughout the UK in London, Manchester, Glasgow and Belfast.


Twitter: @HairSolved