Notice to attend Extraordinary General Meeting in RNB RETAIL AND BRANDS AB (publ), July 4. 2006

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In accordance with the listing agreement with the Stockholm Stock Exchange, RNB RETAIL AND BRANDS AB (publ) is also announcing through a press release the contents of the notice for the Extraordinary General Meeting on July 4, 2006. Enclosure: Notice for Extraordinary General Meeting. For further information, contact: Mikael Solberg, President and CEO, RNB RETAIL AND BRANDS +46 (0)8-670 95 95, +46 (0)708-18 44 40, e-mail: Göran Blomberg, CFO, RNB RETAIL AND BRANDS +46 (0)8-670 95 99, +46 (0)733-97 95 99, e-mail:

Shareholders in RNB RETAIL AND BRANDS AB (publ) Corp. Reg. no. 5566495-4682 are hereby invited to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, July 4, 2006, 17:00 p.m., at the Company’s offices, Regeringsgatan 29, in Stockholm Registration, etc, Shareholders who wish to participate in the Meeting shall be recorded in the share register maintained by VPC AB (Swedish Securities Register Center) not later than Wednesday, June 28, 2006, and notify the Company of the intention to participate not later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, June 30, 2006, by mail addressed to Box 16142, SE-103 23 Stockholm, or by telephone, +46 (0)8 670 95 00, or telefax, +46 (0)8 670 95 01, or by e-mail to Please provide name, personal registration or corporate registration number, shareholding, address, daytime telephone number and information regarding any assistants when providing notification. To be eligible to participate in the Meeting, shareholders whose shares are registered in the trustee department of a bank or with a private broker, must have temporarily re-registered the shares in their own name at VPC AB. Shareholders who desire such re-registration must advise their trustee in sufficient time prior to Wednesday, June 28, 2006, when such registration must be effected. Representatives, etc. Shareholders represented by proxy must provide a written and dated power of attorney for the representative. If the power of attorney is issued by a legal entity, a certified copy of the registration certificate or comparable documentation of the legal entity must be attached. The power of attorney and registration certificate may not be older than one year. The original of the power of attorney and, if applicable, the registration certificate should be sent in sufficient time prior to the Meeting by post to the address above. Proposed agenda 1. Opening of the Meeting 2. Election of Chairman of the Meeting 3. Preparation and approval of the list of shareholders entitled to vote at the Meeting 4. Election of on or two minutes-checkers to attest the minutes 5. Determination that the Meeting has been duly convened 6. Approval of the agenda 7. Proposal for decision to authorize the Board of Directors to decided on non-cash issues with reference to the public offer the Company made to shareholders and holders of warrants in JC AB (publ). 8. Closing of the Meeting. Point 7, Authorization for the Board of Directors to decide on non-cash issues The Board of Directors proposes that the Meeting authorize the Board, for the period until the next Annual General Meeting, on one or more occasions, to decide to increase the Company’s share capital by not more than SEK 23,358,000 through the issue of not more than 23,358,000 new shares. The issues shall be made with non-cash provisions with reference to the public offer made by RNB to the shareholders and holders of warrants in JC, whereby the right to subscribe for new shares accrues solely to shareholders and holders of warrants in JC, with the right and obligation to pay for the new shares through transfer to RNB of shares and warrants in JC in accordance with the terms of the offer. The Board’s proposal for decision in accordance with Point 7 and documentation in accordance with Chapter 13 § 6 of the Swedish Companies Act and information material pertaining to RNB’s public offer will be available at the office of the Company at Regeringsgatan 29, 9th floor, SE-103 23 Stockholm, from and including June 20, 2006, and will be forwarded to shareholders who so request and provide their address. Documentation as noted above will also be available in electronic format at the Company’s website RNB RETAIL AND BRANDS AB (publ) Stockholm, June 2006 Board of Directors

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