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* Profit after net financial items, SEK m Jan. – Sep. 65 MSEK (231)

Jul. – Sep. 55 MSEK (5)

* Earnings per share

after net financial items, SEK Jan. – Sep. 0.34 SEK (1.12)

Jul. – Sep 0.30 SEK(0.02)

* Cash flow per share, SEK Jan. – Sep. 0.26 SEK (0.31)

Jul. – Sep. 0.08 SEK (-0.53)

* Shareholders’ equity per share, SEK 9.19 SEK (December 31: 9.40)

* Equity/assets ratio 73 % (December 31: 73 %)

* Weak price development on pulp during the third quarter due to the low general economy. No significant change is expected during the fourth quarter.

* A restructuring reserve of 20 MSEK relating to Utansjö mill has been provided for.

* The earlier communicated forecast stating a positive result for the year 2002 as a whole, remains.


Rottneros, with its origins in the 1600s, is an independent and flexible supplier of customised, high-quality paper pulp. Through continuous product development, high delivery reliability, technical support and service, Rottneros is able to adapt to satisfy its demanding customers.

As one of the world’s leading independent market pulp producers, Rottneros is a market leader in groundwood pulp for the open market and one of the main producers of other grades of pulp.

Rottneros has a total production capacity of more than 700,000 tonnes of pulp per year produced at five mills in Sweden and Spain, making the Group one of the ten biggest suppliers of market pulp in the world. Increasingly intensive product development in accordance with customers’ demands should lead to more stable and higher profitability throughout an economic cycle.

Lars Blecko will be available to answer questions on the phone on 24 October between 3 and 4 p.m. on +46 (0)581–377 01.

We are holding a press and analysts’ conference at Hallvarsson & Halvarsson, Birger Jarlsgatan 6 B, Stockholm at 10 a.m. on 25 October. Register with Kristina Vogt on tel. 08 – 587 11 23 or by e-mail:

For complete interim report se attached file


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