Redundancy negotiations at Rottneros Mill finalized

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The decision to shut down the groundwood pulp line for printing paper at Rottneros Mill, led to a notice to reduce the number of employees by 40 people. The negotiations are finalized and 35 people will be made redundant. Of these, 17 employees have agreed to a pension solution and 18 have been dismissed.

We have had a very good climate in the negotiations and have together found solutions, says the group's COO Peter Sävelin.

 A total of 35 people will be made redundant when the new organization will be in effect from the turn of the year.. The parties also agreed that those who turn 60 in 2022, or are older, would be offered a pension solution. An offer that all 17 concerned have accepted. This has led to only 18 people being made redundant.

It is not pleasant to have to dismiss employees who have done a good job and contributed to the Group's fine development. But we have received signals that other employers in Värmland are interested in the skills our employees have, says Peter Sävelin.

In connection with the notice  given to the municipal Employment Service, Rottneros also initiated contact with the employment transition fund Trygghetsfonden. Those who have been made redundant will now be offered support to move on to another job or further studies. Trygghetsfonden provides individually adapted solutions.

Between 85 and 90 percent of those who receive help from coaches at Trygghetsfonden have a new solution within a year, says Ida Mörtsell, HR director.




Lennart Eberleh, President and CEO
Rottneros AB (publ) 
+46 (0)270 622 65

Rottneros is an independent producer of market pulp. The Group comprises the parent company Rottneros AB, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, and its subsidiaries Rottneros Bruk AB and Vallviks Bruk AB with operations involving the production and sale of market pulp. The Group also includes Rottneros Packaging AB, which manufactures fibre trays, the wood procurement company Rottneros Baltic SIA in Latvia and the forest operator Nykvist Skogs AB. The Group has about 316 employees and had a turnover of approximately 2,3 billion SEK in the 2021 financial year.