Rough Guides launch first online game Rough Roads and donate 10p per player to charity

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It’s fun, a bit quirky, and it’s all about travel (with a little bit of feel-good factored in) – Rough Guides apply their inimitable style to their Rough Roads game, launched today to encourage travellers to ‘Make the Most of Their Time on Earth™’. Each time a new person plays Rough Roads, Rough Guides will donate 10p to Global Giving – players get to pick the project they want to support from one of three of Global Giving’s grassroots projects in the developing world. The game is based on the journey of the little red and yellow bus that appears on the jacket of the second edition of the bestselling Make the Most of Your Time on Earth. Players have to navigate traffic and obstacles in six different world destinations, keeping their roof-luggage intact. If all the luggage falls, it’s game over! To play Rough Roads go to
