Steeper Clinic to hold open event for World Plagiocephaly Awareness Day

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Steeper Clinic, the UK’s leading specialist clinic that treats plagiocephaly and head shape abnormality in infants, is holding an open day on Wednesday 4thApril, from 10am – 3pm at its new facility in Kingston Upon Thames.

The company is aiming to help raise awareness amongst parents about head shape abnormalities, as part of World Plagiocephaly Awareness Day.

At the open day, an experienced team of specialist paediatric orthotists will be on hand to discuss the different conditions and treatment options, answer questions and provide free preliminary scans for babies.

In addition, previous patients and their parents will be on hand to discuss their experiences with plagiocephaly, and how different treatment options work.

Deformational plagiocephaly, or “flat head syndrome” is becoming increasingly common in infants, and occurs when external force causes a baby’s head to take on an abnormal shape. Plagiocephaly is characterised by the flattening of one side of the back of the head and is often noticeable immediately after birth, and can present itself in the first few months of life.

Head Clinical Orthotist at Steeper Clinic, Kate Chauhan, said:

“Instances of plagiocephaly have increased dramatically in the UK over the last few years, but there is still a lack of knowledge amongst many heath professionals and parents about the condition.

“Currently, the NHS does not fund treatment for plagiocephaly as it is seen as a purely cosmetic issue, despite research linking head shape abnormalities with developmental problems. In addition, new guidelines have been published by the American Academy of Pediatrics on the effectiveness and benefits of treatment for head shape abnormalities.

“At Steeper Clinic, we provide free consultations for parents from across the UK on the best treatment option for their child. We can recommend treatments including repositioning techniques and where necessary, can provide a clinically effective programme of treatment through the STARband cranial remoulding orthosis (treatment helmets.)”

STARband is the world’s leading orthotic treatment for deformational plagiocephaly in babies aged between 4 and 18 months. Over 125,000 babies have been successfully treated using STARband worldwide.

For further information on Steeper Clinic, deformational plagiocephaly and head shape abnormalities, visit The website includes a range of helpful guides for parents, in addition to information about STARband and RSLSteeper.


The plagiocephaly open day will be held at:

Steeper Clinic,

Unit 20,

Kingsmill Business Park,

Chapel Mill Road,

Kingston Upon Thames,



0113 2070432


Press Officer for RSLSteeper

Barnaby Patchett


T: 01482649343 x 219

F: 01482646644


