Back in the saddle: How to revamp your bicycle with spray paint

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Thanks to the so-called Wiggo effect (as well as Hoy, Pendleton and Storey!), a phenomenal number of people are jumping into the saddle and taking up cycling. What’s more, this summer the epic Tour de France starts in Yorkshire - inspiring many more of us to dust off our old bikes and take them for a spin!

Whether you’ve recently bought a cheap second-hand bike or your old bike is looking a little tired and needs some TLC, why not give it an update and add some personalisation with spray paint?

Move your bicycle to a well-ventilated area and place it on top of newspaper or a dust-sheet. Protect the surrounding area with additional dust-sheets or newspaper. Dismantle the bicycle so that the frame is clear of components such as saddle, chain, wheels, brakes etc.

Use a wire brush to knock off any loose rust on the frame, give it a light sanding, then clean it thoroughly with soap and water to ensure it is free from rust, dirt, oil and grease. Allow to dry. Mask off parts that you do not want to be painted with masking tape.

Treat any areas of rust with Rust-Oleum Rust Reformer according to the instructions on the can and allow to dry. Depending on your chosen top coat, you may need to use a primer, a couple of light coats of Rust-Oleum Surface Primer will do the trick.

Apply the top coat in your preferred colour. Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch or Universal spray paints are available in over 60 different shades. Follow the application tips and drying times on the can. When you are happy that the frame is well covered, leave to dry.

Reassemble all removed parts when dry.

TIP: You can also spray the saddle (use Rust-Oleum Direct to Plastic or Direct to Vinyl) and also the wheels / spokes (excluding the tyres).

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High resolution photography, colour swatches and samples available.

Emma Irving

Tel. 0191 411 3116

Rust-Oleum Spray Paints

Portobello Industrial Estate


Co Durham



