Epiprotect reduces the cost for treatment of hard to heal leg ulcers with 83%
A compilation of data from patients treated at S2Clinic during the period 2019-2022 showed that the cost of treatment of these patients was reduced by approximately 83% compared to conventional treatment. The treatment with Epiprotect also resulted fully healed wounds in 100 % of the cases.
9 patients with a total of 12 venous leg ulcers were part of the compilation. They had leg ulcers for a total of 21 years (with an average of 20,8 months per ulcer) prior to Epiprotect treatment. Based on data published by Swedish Ulcer register RiksSår regarding to the cost of treatment of venous leg ulcers, these patients had a total cost of treatment of more than 1,5 million SEK or an average cost of 127 400 SEK per ulcer. The total cost of treatment with Epiprotect until fully healed was 254 400 SEK or an average cost of 21 200 SEK per ulcer. Over a reduced treatment cost, all treated wounds were healed which leads to a saving of approximately 6300 SEK per patient for every month the patient is wound free.
Venous leg ulcers result in direct costs of approximately 666 million SEK in Sweden every year. These costs could, according to this compilation, be reduced by more than half a billion SEK each year if Swedish regions used Epiprotect instead of conventional methods.
This disclosure contains information that S2Medical AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 02-12-2022 15:54 CET.
Contact Details
Petter Sivlér – CEO, S2Medical AB (publ)
Telephone: +46 (0)8-70 000 50
E-mail: petter.sivler@s2m.se
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Vator Securities AB
Telephone +46 (0)8-580 065 99
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E-mail: ca@vatorsec.se
About S2Medical
S2Medical AB (publ) is a medical technology company that develops and sells innovative wound healing products for the entire wound healing process, with a focus on burns and chronic wounds. The company has developed eiratex®, a new cellulose-based material for healing severe burns and chronic wounds. The material heals wounds effectively and thereby reduces both suffering for patients and costs for health care.
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