Order of RescueRunner System to Spain
Safe at Sea AB has received an order for a RescueRunner system for delivery to a customer in Spain.
Brocado Solutions S.L., the Spanish distributor, has ordered one RescueRunner system for delivery to a Spanish customer focusing on lifesaving activities. The RescueRunner system has been chosen for its unique operational features that enable rescue missions in shallow and rocky areas where other boats cannot go. This will be the first RescueRunner to be delivered to Spain. Brocado Solutions S.L. has previously ordered a SafeRunner system for demo operations in the Spanish market.
With this order, we hope for increased interest as other lifeguard organisations, fire rescue services and other customers in the Spanish market will now have the opportunity to see and test the system.
"It is fantastic news that we have received an order for the first RescueRunner system for Spain. Brocado Solutions has unique competence within different rescue areas, the right connections and network and a very interesting product portfolio and great expertise and it feels like we have found a very good distributor for the Spanish market.”, Says Linda Ahl, VP sales and marketing manager at Safe at Sea AB (publ).
The RescueRunner will be delivered during Q4 2020.
Order value is approximately SEK 340.000
For more information contact:
Henrik Hartman
Telefon +46 (0)303-23 07 00
This information is such information that Safe at Sea AB is obliged to publish in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted, through the care of the above contact person, for publication on 19 October, 2020.
Safe at Sea AB tillverkar, utvecklar och säljer lätta, flexibla och kostnadseffektiva sjösäkerhetssystem. Dessa system bidrar till att rädda liv och effektivisera maritim SAR-verksamhet (Search and Rescue) och är förmodligen de effektivaste systemen i världen för att rädda nödställda personer ur vattnet. Systemen innefattar utrustning, utvecklade arbetsmetoder och tillhörande utbildning. Basen i Safe at Seas utbud är RescueRunner, SafeRunner, FireRunner och GuardRunner. Safe at Seas aktie är listad på Spotlight Stockmarket.