Bulletin from the extraordinary general meeting in GWS Production AB on 17 October 2018
Today, on 17 October 2018, an extraordinary general meeting was held in GWS Production AB. A summary of the resolution adopted at the general meeting follows below. The resolution was adopted with the required majority.
The general meeting resolved in accordance with the proposal from the board of directors to issue up to 6,637,168 new shares in GWS to Adma Förvaltnings AB, a company controlled by Greg Dingizian, at a subscription price of SEK 2.26 per share. Payment for the shares issued shall be made in cash no later than the fifth business day following the extraordinary general meeting. The reason for deviating from the shareholders’ preferential rights is to broaden the shareholder base through adding a new major owner of strategic importance and that a directed share issue means lower costs and a faster process which altogether and with sufficient strength indicate that it is in the company’s and the shareholders' interest that the issue is made with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights.
For further details regarding the new issue, please refer to the press release that GWS issued on 28 September 2018.
For more information visit www.globalwarningsystem.com or contact GWS VD Andreas Rodman, +46 (0) 708 – 10 13 16, andreas.rodman@globalwarningsystem.com
About GWS Production AB and Safeture
GWS, Global Warning System, was founded in 2009, triggered by the experience with a global SARS epidemic, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the Mumbai terror attacks. The company offers a travel security platform: Safeture. A travel risk management for corporate security teams and business travelers in order to protect the traveler by real-time tracking and providing valuable real-time information about disasters and other threats that could impact on the traveler. Safeture is the new way to take control of employee safety with state-of-the-art technology. The GWS share is listed on NASDAQ First North Stockholm. Erik Penser Bank AB is the Certified Adviser.