Saga Tankers ASA: Q3 2020 financial results

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(Oslo, 13 November 2020) Saga Tankers ASA (“Saga”, OSE: SAGA) reported a net asset value (NAV) of NOK  242 million end of the third quarter 2020, corresponding to NOK 0.91 per outstanding share, excluding minority interests and with Vallhall valued at book value.

By the end of the third quarter, Saga had a cash balance of NOK 91 million, excluding cash held in the subsidiary Vallhall, that  has been reclassified as assets held for sale and liabilities held for sale, pending the subsequent disposal.

During the quarter Saga distributed a dividend of NOK 0.1 per share, corresponding to NOK 26.7 million.

The net market value of shares held in SD Standard Drilling Plc decreased by NOK 7.4 million and the shares in Vistin Pharma ASA increased by NOK 11.2 million. Net NOK 3.8 million has been classified as net gain from available for sale assets. In addition, a net loss of 4.7 million from current investments resulted in a total net loss from investments of NOK 0.9 million for the third quarter.

Subsequent events

  • On 19 October Saga published a new strategy, focusing on renewable energy
  • Bjørn Simonsen (from NEL ASA) appointed as new CEO
  • Completed two Private Placements, raising total gross NOK 88 million
  • Ownership in Vallhall and SD Standard Drilling Plc has been disposed
  • Invested NOK 55 million in Everfuel A/S by purchasing 2.5 million shares, representing 3.4%, at NOK 22 per share
  • Still holding non-core investments of ~2.3 million shares in Vistin Pharma ASA and ~1 million shares in Element ASA
  • After the transactions described above, the total cash holding is approximately NOK 250 million
  • Saga Tankers ASA has changed name to Saga Pure ASA. Saga will publish a stock exchange release when the name change is registered in Brønnøysund Register Centre. Saga will not change the ticker

Key figures

NOK 1000Jul-Sep 2020Jul-Sep 2019Jan-Sep 2020Jan-Sep 2019
Operating revenues                     -                        -                        -               11 710
Operating profit (-loss) before depreciation (EBITDA) (1)             -3 529              -7 678           -57 875               4 387
Operating profit/(-loss) (EBIT) (2)             -3 535              -7 685           -57 893               4 369
Net profit/(-loss) from continuing operations             -3 434              -7 353           -57 281               5 263
Profit (loss) from discontinuing operations                 286                  369               3 599               3 579
Total comprehensive income total operations             -3 148              -6 984           -53 682               8 842
Value adjusted equity per share (NOK) (3)                0,91                 1,16                 0,91                 1,16
Basic and diluted earnings per share NOK               -0,01                -0,03                -0,21                 0,03
(1) EBITDA can be calculated from the statement  of income by deducting interest income, interest expenses and depreciation from the profit/(loss) before taxes.
(2) EBIT can be calculated from the statement of income by deducting interest income and  interest expenses from the profit/(loss) before taxes.
(3) Value adjusted equity has been calculated through application of  market value for assets and liabilities traded in quoted markets, and book value for other assets and liabilities. As traded assets and liabilities are carried at fair value in the balance sheet, the VAE per share equals total equity excluding non-controlling interests per outstanding share.

Key balance sheet figures as of 30 September 2020:

 TNOKShare of total 
Fixed assets                           22 0 % 
Non-current asset classified as held for sale                   99 667 31 % 
Available-for-sale financial assets                 116 958 36 % 
Current assets                 109 343 34 % 
Total assets325 990100 % 
Available-for-sale financial assetsFair value TNOKNo of sharesOwnership
SD Standard Drilling Plc                   70 917 105 846 24518,4 %
Vistin Pharma ASA                   38 946 2 284 2805,15 %
Other investments                      7 094   
Total116 958  

Financial assets are adjusted to market value according to IFRS. Vallhall Arena is a subsidiary, but has been reclassified as assets and liabilities held for sale in the balance statement, and as discontinued operations in the profit and loss statement in the third quarter. The disposal has been executed in the fourth quarter.

For further information, please contact:
CEO Espen Lundaas
+47 92 43 14 17

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act