The railway reform: Re-organisation and re-distribution of responsibilities will ensure a better transport future

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“The role of the railway in the transport system is to be strengthened. With an increase in grants, clearer division of responsibilities and focus on long-term planning throughout the sector, we will lift the Norwegian railway system into the 21st century. We will maintain state ownership of the infrastructure in the reform, ensure a more long-term approach to maintenance, consolidate responsibilities and open up for competition in connection with a number of tasks in the railway sector."

These were the words of Minister of Transport and Communications Ketil Solvik-Olsen when the government on May 12th presented the white paper “On the right track. Reform of the railway sector” to the Norwegian Parliament, Stortinget. The government and its co-operating political partners are in agreement on the main elements of the white paper. 

For the rest of the press release and organizational maps of the railway sector, click here

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