Sandvik AB – Nomination Committee for Annual General Meeting on 3 May 2011

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At Sandvik AB’s Annual General Meeting on 4 May 2010, it was resolved that the company shall have a Nomination Committee comprising one representative for each of the four principal shareholders, together with the Chairman of the Board (convenor). In addition, the Nomination Committee has the possibility to call in one co-opted member to the Nomination Committee from the Board members if required. At the time of the formation of the Nomination Committee, the ownership conditions shall determine which shareholders are the principal shareholders based on the information received from Euroclear Sweden AB on the last banking day in August 2010. The composition of the Nomination Committee shall be announced publicly as soon as it is appointed. The Chairman of the Nomination Committee shall be the member representing the largest shareholder. The term of the Nomination Committee extends until the next Nomination Committee is appointed.

The Nomination Committee shall prepare proposals regarding the Chairman of the Meeting, the number of Board members, fees to be paid to the Board members and auditors, the election of Board members and Board Chairman, the number of auditors and the appointment of auditors, and how the Nomination Committee shall be elected for the 2012 Annual General Meeting and the duties of that Nomination Committee.

The Nomination Committee has now been appointed and comprises the following members:

Carl-Olof By, AB Industrivärden, Chairman of the Nomination Committee
Håkan Sandberg, Handelsbanken’s Pension Foundation and Pension Fund
Staffan Grefbäck, Alecta
Marianne Nilsson, Swedbank Robur Funds
Anders Nyrén, Sandvik’s Board Chairman

Shareholders wishing to present proposals to the Nomination Committee for the 2011 Annual General Meeting can submit them to the Nomination Committee’s secretary Bo Severin (Sandvik’s Chief Counsel) by post: Sandvik AB, Attn: Bo Severin, SE-811 81 Sandviken, Sweden, or by e-mail:

Information about the Annual General Meeting is available on the company’s website: or

Sandviken, 13 September 2010

Sandvik Aktiebolag 



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