Metra's extra dividend paid Sanitec an associated company

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Sanitec Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE BULLETIN 14 April 2000 1 (1) METRA'S EXTRA DIVIDEND PAID SANITEC AN ASSOCIATED COMPANY Metra has made the payment of the extra dividend, mainly in the form of Sanitec Corporation shares, all in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 23 March 2000. The dividend payment date was 7 April 2000 and the dividend was booked on the shareholders' accounts on 10 April 2000. The total value of the extra dividend was EUR 127,370,578.10 and the average quoted price of the Sanitec share on the Helsinki Exchanges on the payment date was EUR 11.59. On the basis of this, the number of distributed Sanitec shares was 10,885,549, and an additional EUR 1,207,064.50 was distributed in cash. As a consequence of the dividend, Metra's ownership in Sanitec decreased from 64.2% to 46.7%, and Sanitec became an associated company instead of a subsidiary. Currently Metra holds 29,080,479 Sanitec shares. SANITEC CORPORATION ------------------------------------------------------------ Please visit for further information The following files are available for download: