SAS Cargo appoints Regional Senior Manager for Asia

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SAS Cargo appoints Regional Senior Manager for Asia In the last couple of years SAS Cargo has seen increasing business in Asia and the establishment of a regional head office in Bangkok indicates a wish to strengthen focus on the markets in Asia. Per Vransøe, Danish, has been appointed by SAS Cargo to head the new sales organization in Asia. He comes from a position as SAS Cargo Manager in Tokyo where he is responsible for cargo in Japan and Korea. Per Vransøe, 52, started in SAS Cargo in 1978 and he has a thorough experience from various positions within cargo - both from Denmark and abroad. During the past 15 years he has been stationed 12 years in China and Japan. SAS Cargo was incorporated in 2001 and the establishment of a regional sales office in Asia comes as a natural consequence of the organizational changes SAS Cargo has gone through since 2001. Furthermore SAS Cargo wishes to meet the customers' need for more global solutions by appointing regional managers. To replace Per Vransøe in Japan Leif Nilsson, Swedish, has been appointed. Leif Nilsson, 46, started in SAS in 1987 and he has held a number of leading positions within marketing, business and administration. Leif is presently Regional Business Controller Asia & Pacific. Both will take up their new positions during the summer of 2003. For more information, please contact: Director, Global Sales International, SAS Cargo Group A/S Jarl Frithiof, +45 3232 2292 or Press officer, SAS Cargo Group A/S Ulrik Marschall, +45 3232 6733 or email: ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: