Eva Cederbalk to step down as CEO of SBAB Bank

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Following slightly more than seven years as CEO of SBAB Bank, Eva Cederbalk has decided to step down at her own request. She will continue to serve as CEO until a successor has been recruited.

The CEO of SBAB Bank AB (publ), Eva Cederbalk, is leaving SBAB at her own request. In this connection, she will also be resigning from her assignment as Chairman of the Board of The Swedish Covered Bond Corporation (SCBC), a wholly owned subsidiary of SBAB Bank AB.

“Eva Cederbalk has done excellent work during her years at SBAB and I am saddened by her decision to step down. However, I have every understanding for and fully accept her decision and I would like to thank Eva for her contribution to the advancement of SBAB Bank,” says Arne Liljedahl, Chairman of the Board of SBAB Bank.

Eva Cederbalk has been CEO of SBAB Bank since 2004.

“My slightly more than seven years at the bank have been a fantastic period in my life but there is a time for everything to end. In view of the position in which SBAB now finds itself, I believe that the timing is right for a new person to take over and move the bank to new heights. Until the Board of Directors has recruited my successor, my assignment will be to continue operating the bank in the same manner as today,” says Eva Cederbalk, CEO, SBAB Bank.

For further information, please contact:
Arne Liljedahl, Chairman of the Board, SBAB Bank
Arne Liljedahl is to be contacted via Bernd Schmitz; see contact details below

Eva Cederbalk, CEO, SBAB Bank
Telephone: +46 (0)8-614 43 01, Mobile: +46 (0)70-523 23 02, eva.cederbalk@sbab.se

Bernd Schmitz, Chief Press Officer, SBAB Bank
Telephone: +46 (0)8-614 43 94, Mobile: +46 (0)727-44 43 94, bernd.schmitz@sbab.se

SBAB Bank offers residential mortgages and saving products through the Internet and telephone, and also grants loans to the corporate sector. By offering products and services that challenge and simplifies SBAB contributes to increased competition in the Swedish market. The company was founded in 1985 and is 100 percent owned by the Swedish Government. Lending volume 2010 amounted to 249.1 billion and deposits volume to 6.1 billion. SBAB has about 420 employees of which approximately 120 are working at the headquarter in Stockholm. Read more at www.sbab.se


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