Information from SCA’s Nomination Committee

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Ahead of SCA’s Annual General Meeting 2007, SCA's Nomination Committee has decided to propose the re-election of Board members Rolf Börjesson, Sören Gyll, Tom Hedelius, Leif Johansson, Anders Nyrén, Sverker Martin-Löf, Barbara M. Thoralfsson and Jan Åström. In addition, it is proposed that Sverker Martin-Löf be re-appointed as Chairman of the Board.

The Nomination Committee’s other proposals – election of a chairman of the meeting, Board fees etc – will be presented in the notice to the Annual General Meeting.

SCA’s Nomination Committee was appointed mid September 2006 and comprises:

Carl-Olof By, AB Industrivärden, and also Chairman of the Nomination Committee
Curt Källströmer, Handelsbanken’s pension foundations and others
Björn Lind, SEB Fonder
Carl Rosén, Andra AP-fonden (Second Swedish National Pension Fund)
Caroline af Ugglas, Skandia Liv
Sverker Martin-Löf, Chairman of the Board of SCA

SCA’s Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday 29 March, 2007, at 15.00 CET in Aula Magna, Stockholm University.

Stockholm, 31 January 2007

Communications and Investor Relations

For further information please contact:
Carl-Olof By, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, telephone +46 8 666 64 00


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