SCA Nomination Committee’s proposal

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SCA’s Nomination Committee has decided to propose the re-election of the current Board members Rolf Börjesson, Sören Gyll, Tom Hedelius, Sverker Martin-Löf, Anders Nyrén, Indra Åsander and Jan Åström. In addition, it is proposed that Sverker Martin-Löf be appointed Board Chairman. The Nomination Committee comprises Ramsay Brufer, Alecta, Carl-Olof By, Industrivärden, Thomas Halvorsen, Fourth AP Fund, Curt Källströmer, Handelsbankens Pension Foundation, Handelsbankens Personnel Foundation och Pensionskassan SHB Försäkringsförening, Björn Lind, SEB Fonder and Sverker Martin-Löf, SCA. Stockholm, 23 February 2005 SVENSKA CELLULOSA AKTIEBOLAGET SCA (publ)


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