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  • The Board of Directors of SCA does not intend to render any proposal for dividend this year

The Board of Directors of SCA does not intend to render any proposal for dividend this year

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The Board of Directors of SCA has considered whether to propose an extraordinary general meeting to be held later in 2020 to resolve on dividend distribution. The Board of Directors has resolved that it will not render any such proposal during the remainder of 2020.

The Board of Directors of SCA has considered whether to propose an extraordinary general meeting to be held later in 2020 to resolve on dividend distribution. In view of the current circumstances, the Board of Directors has resolved not to call for an extraordinary general meeting this year to resolve on dividend distribution. Instead the Board of Directors intends to render its proposal on dividend distribution as customary in connection with the publication of the interim report for the fourth quarter 2020.

For further information, please contact:
Björn Lyngfelt, SVP Communications, tel +46 60 19 34 98
Toby Lawton, CFO, tel +46 60 19 31 09
Katarina Nilsson, General Counsel and Secretary to the Board, tel +46 739 205 605


This is information that SCA is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out below on August 26, 2020 at 08:10 CET.

Björn Lyngfelt, SVP Communications, +46 (0) 60 19 34 98

Kärnan i SCAs verksamhet är skogen, Europas största privata skogsinnehav. Kring denna unika resurs har vi byggt en välutvecklad värdekedja baserad på förnybar råvara från våra egna och andras skogar.
Vi erbjuder papper för förpackningar och tryck, massa, trävaror, förnybar energi, tjänster för skogsägare och effektiva transportlösningar.
Skogsbolaget SCA hade 2019 ca 4 000 anställda och en försäljning på 19,6 miljarder kronor. SCA grundades 1929 och har sitt huvudkontor i Sundsvall. För mer information, besök www.sca.com




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