Year end report 2021 Scandinavian Biogas. New long-term target for 2030, 3 TWh biogas production, mainly Bio-LNG
Significant events in the fourth quarter of 2021
- Sales volumes for the period are the highest of the year.
- Stable positive cash flow from operating activities.
- In Sweden, the investment project Stockholm bio-LNG (liquid biogas) has been launched.
- In Norway, the Skogn II project is on track, and the plant has received ISCC certification.
- Klimatklivet has granted investment aid of SEK 154 million for the project in Mönsterås.
- Energy sold increased by 7.4% to 93.3 (86.9) GWh.
- Net sales totalled SEK 104.8 (82.3) million, corresponding to an increase of 27.4%.
- Total income, including capitalised work, increased by 20.5% and amounted to SEK 124.6 (103.4) million.
- EBITDA was SEK 22.7 (20.8) million.
- Operating EBITDA was SEK 18.6 (15.0) million.
- The operating EBITDA margin was 16.1% (16.1).
- Profit/loss after tax amounted to SEK 1.1 (-12.0) million.
- Basic and diluted earnings per share totalled SEK 0.04 (-0.39).
- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 11.3 (42.4) million.
Events in 2021
- Energy sold increased by 3.3% to 366.3 (354.7) GWh.
- Net sales totalled SEK 393.8 (338.4) million, corresponding to an increase of 16.4%.
- Operating EBITDA was SEK 80.9 (70.3) million.
- The operating EBITDA margin was 19.2 (19.1) %.
- In June, a corporate bond of SEK 700 million and a revolving facility of SEK 300 million were issued.
- During the third quarter, the agreement for deliveries of Bio-LNG from Sweden and Norway with the Dutch filling station chain Rolande was expanded.
- The growth plan has progressed, investment decisions for the Skogn II and Stockholm Bio-LNG projects have been taken.
- New long-term target for 2030 defined – 3 TWh biogas production.
- Reinforcement of a growth function in the Group management to meet the growing demand for Bio-LNG.
This disclosure contains information that Scandinavian Biogas Fuels International AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014) and the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 17-02-2022 07:32 CET.
For further information, please contact:
Matti Vikkula CEO and President
Mobile +46 (0) 70 597 99 38
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Scandinavian Biogas är en ledande nordisk producent av biogas som fordonsbränsle samt gödningsmedel. Biogasen som är CO2-neutral är utvunnet ur avloppsslam och avfall från hushåll och lantbruk samt industriellt organiskt avfall. Idag finns anläggningar i Sverige, Norge och Korea. Under 2020 levererade företaget 354 GWh till marknaden. Scandinavian Biogas har 92 anställda och hade 2020 en total omsättning på 455 MSEK (proforma). Huvudkontoret ligger i Stockholm och bolaget är noterat på Nasdaq Stockholm First North Premier, Bolagets Certified Adviser är Erik Penser Bank AB, telefon: +46 (0)8-463 80 00,