Directed Share Issue of MSEK 8.9 Carried Out in SCN

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On December 10, 2008, the Board of Directors in Scandinavian Clinical Nutrition i Sverige AB (publ) decided to carry out a directed share issue by a maximum of 1,780,000 shares (each with a quote value of SEK 0.1) by virtue of a shareholders’ meeting’s authorization. The issue has now been carried out, and was fully subscribed for.

The subscription price was SEK five (5) per share. The shares were subscribed for by a limited number of financial investors, without preferential right of the shareholders. The funds from the share issue will mainly be used to secure funding for ongoing R&D and product development within the subsidiary Scandivir AB.

Through the share issue, the number of shares in Scandinavian Clinical Nutrition i Sverige AB (publ) increases from 16,023,284 to 17,803,284 shares. The company only has one class of shares, and the number of voting rights is thus the same as the number of shares.

HQ acted as financial advisor in connection with the new issue.

This information is published with reference to chapter 4, section 9 in the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act.

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