BioStock: Scandion Oncology and 2cureX receive Eurostars grant

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Antioestrogen drug resistance is a major obstacle in the treatment of breast cancer. Scandion Oncology’s drug candidate SCO-101 has the potential to counteract such resistance, and the challenge has brought the biotech company together with the Functional Precision Medicine expert 2cureX, whose IndiTreat test may help stratify patients based on SCO-101 sensitivity in a planned clinical trial. The two Danish biotechs have received a Eurostars grant of 800,000 EUR, shared with Erasmus University Medical Centre to perform additional preclinical studies and to set up and run the trial.

Read the full interview with both Nils Brünner, CEO of Scandion Oncology, and Ole Thastrup, CEO of 2cureX, at

This is a press release from BioStock - Connecting Innovation & Capital.


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BioStock: Scandion Oncology and 2cureX receive Eurostars grant
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