Scandion Oncology announces that the first patient has received treatment with SCO-101 in combination with FOLFIRI.

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Scandion Oncology A/S (“Scandion Oncology”) is pleased to announce that the first patient has received treatment with SCO-101 and FOLFIRI with no unexpected SCO-101-related events observed. By measuring an exposure biomarker during treatment, it was observed that SCO-101 caused the expected changes in the level of this exposure biomarker, demonstrating that SCO-101 was present in the body in an effective concentration. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic most activities around clinical trials have been on hold or slowed down in Denmark for a couple of months. However, as COVID-19 is now under control, Danish Hospitals including Oncology Departments are now able to resume clinical studies. Thus, the Oncology Departments at Herlev-Gentofte and Aalborg University Hospitals continues to screen colorectal cancer patients in order to identify patients who can be enrolled in the SCO-101-001 study. As soon as this first part of the clinical study has been completed - to identify the optimal dose of SCO-101 in combination with FOLFIRI - we can without any delay initiate the second part where the primary end-point is efficacy. For this second part we have additional Oncology Departments waiting to enroll patients. 

Scandion Oncology has previously announced that a press release will be published when the first three patients have finalized one cycle of SCO-101 plus chemotherapy each. Due to the delay in enrollment of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to report that the first patient has received SCO-101 plus chemotherapy.

Nils Brünner, CEO, comments: “At Scandion Oncology we are all very excited about the ongoing clinical phase 2 study with SCO-101. This first part of the phase 2 study will identify the optimal dose of SCO-101 to be given in combination with the chemotherapy. The second part of the phase 2 study will start immediately after the dose of SCO-101 has been defined. Furthermore, the last six patients in the first part will be the included as the first six patients in the second part of the study, which accelerates the clinical program. At Scandion Oncology we are following the clinical study on a daily basis.”

For further information regarding Scandion Oncology, please contact:

Nils Brünner, CEO

Phone: +45 26 14 47 08


This information is information that Scandion Oncology is obliged to publish in accordance to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the contact person above for publication on May 27, 2020.

Scandion Oncology A/S is a biotechnology company that addresses and targets one of the greatest challenges in modern oncology – the effective treatment of cancer which contains chemotherapy-resistant cells or which has developed resistance to a previously prescribed cancer-fighting drug. In preclinical in vitro-studies SCO-101 restores chemotherapy sensitivity in resistant cancer cells. Moreover, in animal studies, the company’s leading candidate drug, SCO-101, significantly enhances the efficacy of certain standard cancer treatments when given in combination. Scandion Oncology is now in clinical phase 2 trials with its lead compound, SCO-101, in patients with chemotherapy-resistant colorectal cancer. Scandion Oncology was listed on Spotlight Stock Market, Sweden in November 2018. For further information, please see:
