Bulletin from Annual General Meeting of Scania AB

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Bulletin from Annual General Meeting of Scania AB and statutory Board meeting, 25 April 2003 Dividend The AGM approved the proposed dividend of SEK 5.50 per share, setting Wednesday 30 April as the record date. Payment is expected to be sent from the Swedish Central Securities Depository and Clearing Organisation (VPC) on Monday 5 May 2003. Board and auditors Board members Peggy Bruzelius, Clas Åke Hedström, Cees J. A. van Lede, Bernd Pischetsrieder, Lothar Sander, Rolf Stomberg, Marcus Wallenberg and Leif Östling were re-elected. Andreas Deumeland was elected as a new Board member. Auditor Caj Nackstad was re-elected for the period until the end of the AGM in 2007. Jan Birgersson was elected as new ordinary auditor for the same period. Thomas Thiel and Björn Fernström were re-elected as deputy auditors for the period until the end of the AGM in 2007. Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board At the statutory meeting of the Board following the AGM, Dr Bernd Pischetsrieder was re-elected Chairman. Clas Åke Hedström was re-elected Vice Chairman. Committees within the Board Marcus Wallenberg was re-elected Chairman of the Audit Committee. Clas Åke Hedström and Lothar Sander were re-elected as other members of this committee. Dr Bernd Pischetsrieder was re-elected Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. Peggy Bruzelius and Rolf Stomberg were re-elected as members of this committee. Peggy Bruzelius, Clas Åke Hedström, Cees J. A. van Lede and Rolf Stomberg were re-elected as members of the committee consisting of Board members who are independent of Volkswagen and Investor, and whose task is to prepare issues related to the ownership structure of Scania AB. Södertälje, 25 April 2003 SCANIA AB ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/04/25/20030425BIT01140/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/04/25/20030425BIT01140/wkr0002.pdf
