Sales success for Scania's new truck range in the UK

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Sales success for Scania's new truck range in the UK - ASDA places order for 196 R-series trucks Scania sells 196 new Scania R-series tractors to the British supermarket retailer ASDA, deliveries scheduled to be fulfilled during November. The vehicles are being supplied on 50 months contracts which include all repair and maintenance. ASDA - with Scania trucks already in its fleet - says that the relationship with Scania encouraged them: "As a long-term user of Scania trucks we know them to be reliable, durable and fuel-efficient in operation - and we therefore have every confidence in the new R-series," comments ASDA's Fleet Contracts Manager, Chris Strutt. Of the new trucks, 50 will be fitted with Scania's computerised gearchanging system Opticruise. The trucks will all be fitted with Scania's 420 hp 12 litres six-in-line diesel engines. "We have specified Opticruise for the first time in order to be able to undertake a large-scale evaluation of its performance across our operations. "The views of our drivers are extremely important to us and we have specified full air-conditioning and climate control in each of these new vehicles," says Chris Strutt. The new trucks will be based at nine of ASDA's operating centres around the country and serve its 280 stores nationwide. For further information, please contact Hans-Åke Danielsson, tel. +46 8-553 856 62. Scania is one of the world's leading manufacturers of trucks and buses for heavy transport applications, and of industrial and marine engines. With 29,1 00 employees and production facilities in Europe and Latin America, Scania is one of the most profitable companies in its sector. In 2003, turnover totalled SEK 50,500 million and the result after financial items was SEK 4,600 million. Scania products are marketed in about 100 countries worldwide and some 95 percent of Scania's vehicles are sold outside Sweden. Scania press releases are available on the Internet, [N04030EN] Hans-Åke Danielsson ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download:


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