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  • Scania takes eco-driving to a new level with its latest digital performance coaching technology

Scania takes eco-driving to a new level with its latest digital performance coaching technology

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Scania has developed an IT-based system that gives truck drivers direct feedback and tips on how to refine their driving style − and saves up to 10 percent on fuel. The system enables major cost reductions and environmental improvements. In a truck driven 200,000 kilometres per year, it can save more than SEK 60,000 (about EUR 6,000) and cut carbon dioxide emissions by 16 tonnes.

The system, Scania Driver Support, encourages drivers to keep an eye on their driving style, making them aware of mistakes and potential improvements as well as awarding clever driving via a rating system. The system helps drivers use their vehicle as safely and efficiently as possible. Scania Driver Support continually analyses data from various electronic systems on the vehicle to monitor driver performance. The system assesses driving based on parameters that are fundamental in Scania Driver Training, gives the driver advice and hints while under way and produces an overall assessment of the driving style. Scania developed the system in close collaboration with professional drivers. Test evaluations show that, once instructed how to use Scania Driver Support, even an experienced driver can improve fuel consumption by up to 10 percent with the help of the hints given. Variations in fuel consumption for the same driver were also dramatically reduced from 15-20 percent to around 5 percent, indicating a much more consistent driving style. For further information and images: •Visit the media site www.scania.com/media/R2009/. •At http://imagebank.scania.com/ you can search for relevant images by entering “Scania Driver Support” in the “Quick search” field. •Contact: Per-Erik Nordström, Product Affairs, tel. 08-553 855 77, e-mail per-erik.nordstrom@scania.com.


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