Search News Media Deliver 360% Increase in Organic Website Traffic

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Search News Media Deliver 360% Increase in Organic Website Traffic to Price Comparison Website • Organic search engine optimisation methods increase business opportunities • Daily Keyword relevant news content improves time on site and visitor numbers • PR Drive achieves significant inbound link building and website visitors For Immediate Release: 10th June, 2010, Windsor, Berkshire, UK: Search News Media today announced that it has delivered a 360% increase in website visitor numbers to since February, 2010. The combination search engine friendly daily news content and a PR campaign that achieved National coverage in The Guardian, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, AOL Money and MSN Money, as well as over 100 additional high page rank relevant websites, blogs and forums, significantly increased visitor numbers and new business to in the period February – May, 2010. Adopting techniques designed to attract real people – through the provision of relevant content and relevant PR – rather than creating SEO for search engine spiders, has ensured that the Moneymaxim website is now set on firm foundations for ongoing success as Search News Media work with them to create a content rich website that search engines will naturally index and journalists and blogs will naturally want to link to. Commenting, Dale Lovell, Managing Director of Search News Media ( says; “We are, naturally, delighted with the results of the Moneymaxim campaign to date, as we worked closely with Moneymaxim to understand their business model and their target demographic before creating relevant content and PR ideas to realise their objectives.” “By concentrating on quality, targeted content and creative PR ideas, we were able to not only increase visitor numbers, but increase the quality of the traffic we are delivering, too: the website’s car hire insurance pages, for example, currently attract a sale ratio of 1 in 4 for all visitors delivered by organic search.” Mark Bower, Managing Director of says; “The keyword relevant editorial content Search News Media have added to our website, together with the PR activity undertaken has resulted in our visitor numbers increasing massively. “What’s more it has helped us get the strength of the products we are offering over to our potential customers in a way PPC activity was failing to do. Both our car hire insurance and travel insurance products have seen direct benefit of the work undertaken, so much so that we have reduced our marketing budget on Cost-Per-Click marketing to invest more in our organic SEO activity via Search News Media. “We are delighted with the results and return on investment and I am positive we will be working with Search News Media for some considerable time.” Notes: About Search News Media Search News Media is a specialist SEO content and PR agency, specialising in the supply of daily, keyword researched news content and PR services designed to increase search engine rankings and drive visitors to client websites. Founded in 2008 by Dale Lovell, Former Editor-in-Chief at Newscorp owned Utarget.Fox and veteran of successful online start-ups on both sides of the Atlantic, Search News Media clients range from start-up operations, such as Moneymaxim, to brands such as Money Expert, the National Geographic Channel and Squirrel Group. Search News Media is based in Windsor, Berkshire. Contact: Tel 01753 859 588
