Securitas AB Interim Report January - June 2006

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7 percent organic sales growth and positive underlying development of income in all divisions - Full year outlook 2006 maintained

• The creation and listing of Securitas Systems and Securitas Direct are proceeding according to plan and will take place on September 29, 2006.

• The listing of Loomis Cash Handling Services will take place during 2007. The possible divestment has been discontinued. As part of the listing process Håkan Ericson has been appointed as new Chief Executive Officer for Loomis Cash Handling Services AB, based in Stockholm. Further, a provision has been made of MEUR -40.4 (MSEK -373) relating to the Welo claim arising from the divested German Cash Handling Services operation. The Welo claim has previously been filed as an insurance claim, which will continue to be pursued as planned.

• Listing project costs for all three new companies for the first half of the year amounts to MSEK -78, whereof MSEK -23 is referable to financial expenses. The estimated total costs for the project amounts to approximately MSEK -220, whereof MSEK -23 is referable to financial expenses.

• Sales in the second quarter increased 7 percent to MSEK 17,241 (16,234), adjusted for changes in exchange rates, acquisitions and divestitures. In the first half of the year, sales increased with 7 percent to MSEK 34,308 (31,429), adjusted for changes in exchange rates, acquisitions and divestitures.

• Operating income before amortization in the second quarter was MSEK 646 (1,032). Adjusted for listing project costs and the Welo provision, the real change in operating income was an increase by 4 percent and the operating margin was 6.1 percent (6.4). In the first half of the year operating income was MSEK 1,646 (1,970). Adjusted for listing project costs and the Welo provision the real change in operating income was an increase by 3 percent and the operating margin was 6.0 percent (6.3).

• Income before taxes in the second quarter was MSEK 449 (847). Adjusted for listing project costs and the Welo provision the real change in income before tax was an increase by 6 percent. In the first half of the year income before taxes was MSEK 1,273 (1,665). Adjusted for listing project costs, the Welo provision and the negative impact of the revaluation of financial instruments, MSEK 39, the real change in income before tax was an increase by 4 percent.

• Net income in the second quarter was MSEK 294 (628). In the first half of the year net income was MSEK 900 (1,234).

• Earnings per share was SEK 0.80 (1.69) in the second quarter. In the first half of the year earnings per share was SEK 2.46 (3.32).

Comments from the CEO, Thomas Berglund

"The Group has strong organic sales growth and stable underlying development of profitability. This has been achieved at the same time as we are creating three new listed companies, which demonstrates the strength of Securitas' organization. The Group is on track for a full year strong organic sales growth and income before taxes is expected to increase in line with last year's increase, excluding non-recurring costs".

For further information please contact:
Thomas Berglund, President and CEO, +44 20 8432 6551
Håkan Winberg, Executive Vice President and CFO, +44 20 8432 6554
Henrik Brehmer, Investor Relations, +44 20 8432 6523, +44 7884 117 192

The full report including tables can be downloaded from the enclosed link:


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