Securitas has new telephone number

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As of March 28, 2008, Securitas AB’s head quarter at Lindhagensplan 70 in Stockholm has new telephone number to the switchboard and to the office telephones.

Telephone number to the Securitas AB switchboard: +46 10 470 3000
Fax number to the Securitas AB’s Corporate Communications Department:
+46 10 470 3122

Mobile numbers, email addresses and postal address are not affected by the change of the telephone system.

This press release is also available at:

Gisela Lindstrand, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications and Public Affairs, phone +46 10 470 3011 or mobile +46 70 287 8662
Micaela Sjökivst, Head of Investor Relations, phone +46 10 470 3011 or mobile
+46 76 116 7443


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