Selvaag Bolig ASA : Applies for listing at Oslo Børs

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The Norwegian real estate company Selvaag Bolig ASA applies for listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange. In connection with the IPO, the company plans to raise NOK 500 million to 800 million in new equity through issuance of new shares.

- The listing will provide liquidity for our shareholders, and give more investors the opportunity to participate in the growth we are now experiencing. The listing will also give us to access to capital for further growth on subsequent occasions. The goal is that Selvaag Bolig will be listed within 6 July, but this is subject to satisfactory market conditions, says CEO Baard Schumann in Selvaag Bolig.

Selvaag Bolig is one of the largest residential developers in the Norwegian market, and during the first quarter of 2012 the company sold 244 housing units. At the end of 2011 the company had 1,014 units under construction, and close to 9,000 units under development. The company currently has approximately 100 shareholders. The largest shareholder is Selvaag Gruppen, which owns just over 60% of the shares.

- The Norwegian residential market is healthy, and Selvaag Bolig has a solid market position. We have good sites and a number of exciting residential projects in and around the Greater Oslo area, Stavanger and Bergen. These are areas of rapid population growth and high demand for new homes. We raise funds to strengthen our position further in these areas, says Schumann.

Selvaag Bolig has engaged ABG Sundal Collier, DNB Markets and Pareto Securities as advisors in connection with the listing process.

Further information about the listing and the forthcoming issue will be published continuously.

For further information, please contact:
Baard Schumann, CEO Selvaag Bolig       
Phone: 940 80 000, e-mail: 

About Selvaag Bolig
Selvaag Bolig AS is a residential property developer rooted in 60 years of Selvaag history and experience. At any given time the company has close to 9000 housing units under construction throughout the country. Selvaag Bolig focuses particularly on the Greater Oslo area, Bergen and Stavanger, but also has two projects under development in Stockholm. The company manages the entire process, from the purchase of land to the sale of finished homes. SElvaag Bolig offers a wide range of residential concepts under the brand names Selvaag Start, Selvaag Hjem and Selvaag Pluss The company is led by CEO Baard Schumann, while Olav Hindahl Selvaag chairs the board of directors. 


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The contents of this announcement have been prepared by and are the sole responsibility of Selvaag Bolig ASA (the "Company"). The financial advisors are acting exclusively for the Company and no one else, and will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to their respective clients, or for advice in relation to the contemplated offering, the contents of this announcement or any of the matters referred to herein. The offering and the distribution of this announcement and other information in connection with the offering may be restricted by law in
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