DFEA2020 – Enabling Green, Safe & Connected vehicles

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The project's focus is to develop a reference architecture and investigate development and verification methods for the next generation of vehicle electronics.

The DFEA2020 project - Dependable and Flexible Electrical Architecture 2020 - enables the next decade's functional growth in Green, Safe and Connected vehicles. The combination of increasing requirements on system safety and reliability, the exponential growth of vehicle electronics and software is driving new engineering and development methods in vehicle electronics. The project's focus is to develop a reference architecture and investigate development and verification methods for the next generation of vehicle electronics. Key to success is the study of the technologies and methods essential to delivery - of particular interest are model based development methods, ISO-26262, AUTOSAR and Flexray. Partners in DFEA2020 bring forwards their expertise from their respective domains: Volvo Car Corporation, EIS by Semcon, KnowIT Technology Management, Mecel AB, SAAB AB, Chalmers and KTH. The project runs until 2012 and is financed by partners and with support from Vinnova (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems). The total project investment is €8m and strenghtens Swedish innovation by supporting knowledge transfer between different industries while simultaneously supporting knowledge and competence development in the Västra Götaland region.



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