Tech consultants packaged as toys in Semcon’s new campaign

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Knights, princesses, ninjas, and wizards. But why not engineers, software developers, sustainability consultants, and project managers? In a new campaign, the tech company Semcon showcases its expert teams as toy packages. The aim is for customers to understand that achieving dream results is “child's play” with a team from Semcon.

In an era of constant change, many companies can benefit from agile teams of tech experts with various competencies that complement each other at exactly the right time throughout the project. Semcon currently provides expert teams to many of its clients and aims, through this campaign, to raise awareness among even more companies and organisations about the advantages of this approach.

“The challenge for us in the communications department was to figure out how to package our messages about expert teams in a fun and creative way that hopefully grabs the customer’s attention and makes them stop scrolling,” says Kristina Ekeblad, Communications and Marketing Manager at Semcon.

The solution was to take the recipients of the campaign back to the toy worlds of childhood. In the form of classic toy packages, the campaign illustrates how different parts (experts) create a whole (an expert team or project). The 3D-created worlds exemplify some of the areas in which Semcon works – from automation and validation of pharmaceutical production to algorithms for self-driving vehicles and workshops for future business models.

“There is something delightful about presenting an adult and serious business with a design language that is strongly associated with children and toys. We want our packages to remind the viewer of the feeling they had in front of the toy store shelf as children. And hopefully bring a smile when instead of a space station, hair salon, or pirate ship, you can choose your own software team that develops apps for energy companies,” says Kristina Ekeblad.

About the campaign
The strategy, concept work, and implementation were done by Semcon’s in-house Group Communications department. Freelance 3D artist Nadia Börjesson supported the project with modelling and creating the 3D environments.

The team at Semcon consists of Kristina Ekeblad – Communications and Marketing Manager, Emil Gustafsson Ryderup – Art Director, Ida Borenstein – Copywriter, and Christian Borg – Digital Strategist.

Let’s build you the perfect tech team – campaign site

For more information, please contact: 
Kristina Ekeblad, Communications Director, Semcon
Phone: +46 (0)704 130 926

Semcon is an international technology partner for companies and organisations in transformation. We combine engineering expertise, digital services and sustainability know-how in a unique offering for product, production and service development. Always based on human needs and behaviour. Our experts and cross-functional teams make our customers more competitive and improve the user experience and sustainability of their solutions. Because a sustainable future requires us to rethink – adding new perspectives on technology. This is what our approximately 1,400 employees do every day from more than 20 offices in Sweden, Norway and Brazil. Read more at






The challenge for us in the communications department was to figure out how to package our messages about expert teams in a fun and creative way that hopefully grabs the customer’s attention and makes them stop scrolling.
Kristina Ekeblad, Communications and Marketing Manager at Semcon