Guidance for 2023

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Company announcement no. 86
Copenhagen, 21 November 2022

The announcement contains inside information.

At a board meeting today, where the board of directors have decided to seek to strengthen Shape Robotics A/S’ cash and equity position by initiating a directed share issue without pre-emptive rights for the existing shareholders, cf. company announcement no 85, the executive board and the board of directors have also discussed its expectations for the Company’s turnover in 2023 and have concluded that Shape Robotics (group) expects to generate a turnover in 2023 of at least DKK 130m.

When the executive board and the board of directors in connection with the approval and publication of the interim report for Q4 2022 will have completed a more thorough financial forecast analysis, the board expects to provide the market with a more detailed guidance for 2023 containing ranges for the expected turnover and EBITDA, respectively.

Additional information and investor relations
Lars Nyengaard, Chairman
Tlf. (+45) 3010 2645

André Fehrn, CEO
Tlf.  (+45) 2444 8556
Rugmarken 18, 3520 Farum, Denmark
CVR-nr. 38322656

Certified advisor contact
Norden CEF A/S
John Norden Tel: +45 20 72 02 00

