Shape Robotics realizes record revenue in Q3
Company Announcement No. 82
Copenhagen, October 7, 2022
Shape Robotics realized sales in Q3 2022 for MDKK 20.6, compared to MDKK 0.8 in Q3 2021, a revenue growth of approx. x26, and is in the high end of previous announced expectations revenue range in Q3 of MDKK 18-22.
The contribution margins is expected to be in the level of announced expectations (23-26%).
The interim report for Q3 will be released on November 8th 2022.
The Company maintains the financial expectations for 2022.
Additional information and investor relations
André Fehrn, CEO
Tlf. (+45) 2444 8556
Rugmarken 18, 3520 Farum, Denmark
CVR-nr. 38322656
Certified advisor contact
Norden CEF A/S
John Norden Tel: +45 20 72 02 00