Free Buyers Guide to Vehicle Activated Signs

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Eye-catching LED traffic sign specialist Messagemaker has published a free Buyers Guide to assist local authorities, parish, town and city councils, safety camera partnerships and commercial site managers looking to specify and purchase vehicle activated signs (VAS).

With VAS proving a key method of effective traffic calming, to improve road and pedestrian safety, the guide includes useful advice and guidance on the key areas affecting VAS LED sign selection.

Topics include an overview of vehicle activated signs and their effectiveness; VAS types, sizes and specifications, and data capture capabilities. The guide also includes a helpful sixteen point checklist of items to consider when specifying a VAS.

“Providing on average a speed reduction of 10-15% and average injury reduction of 30%, VAS are fast becoming a popular choice with local government, parish councils and commercial property owners looking to restrict speed and reduce accidents,” said Nigel Parke of Messagemaker.

“Our guide is designed as the starting place for anyone considering VAS and we are happy to advise customers looking to specify the signs they need.”

Messagemaker’s VAS range includes the capability to display tailored messages to drivers, as well as speed information. The company’s vehicle activated signs sit alongside a full range of LED speed signs, traffic information signs, trailer signs and fully flexible ‘Do it All’ signs that can display a wide variety of both text and graphics. The company can also develop bespoke solutions for specific applications and needs.

To download the free buyers’ guide visit or for a free copy please call Nigel on 01737 774738 or email

For press information, please contact Charmaine Kimpton at Shere Marketing on 01483 3010/07414 749973 or email




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